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 Post subject: Screams of Ecstasy In A Time Of Darkness
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 9:45 am 

Screams of Ecstasy In A Time Of Darkness

It was the sound of ecstatic screams which first brought back the memory of this vision and the following revelations. The screams of the crowds attending political rallies cheering on and reacting to words of desecration. The screams of ecstatic joy, the screams of ecstatic mockery, the screams of souls seemingly forgetting the truth of who they are.

Live courageously from your heart_Johanna Raphael.jpg
Live courageously from your heart_Johanna Raphael.jpg [ 71.21 KiB | Viewed 1326 times ]

The sacred energies which inspired this vision was anchored in April of 2017, the revelations were anchored in 2004. This vision represents both the sacrifice of the holy and the embodiment of the soul in time and space. I wrote some time ago about our entering a 'tunnel' of darkness. We are now fully immersed in this energy field. As souls, we are being called to remember love, remember truth, remember compassion, to remember the truth of who we are as souls embodied. Courage is being called forth within each of us, a courage which calls for standing for love and truth in the presence of energies which opposes both yet masks itself as a paradigm of virtue and truth, even as these energies reveal darkness through the actions and words.

A madness…madness…in the hearts and minds of the American peoples. Insanity presented as sanity. Truth presented as lie. Lie presented as truth. Mass deceptions and hysteria. Neighbor bearing false witness against neighbor.

* * *

I these dark times, the darkness will present itself as righteous and patriotic.
And you shall know this for from their mouths words of hate, intolerance and prejudice shall pour forth.

* * *

Here is what I see:

Swelling, swarming masses, chanting, ranting in rapture, choking out all who would dissent.
Unconscious masses in a mesmeric rapture flamed by the fires of fear.

Woe to the nation of the people of the free. Woe.

Revelations 2004 ... -2004.html

"As we move deeper into a reality of collapsing paradigms, it may seem to many an observer that expressing and living life from the energies of love, is naive. It may seem to those suffering under the separated energies manifesting around us, that believing in love will only bring more pain and suffering, that protection is more important than love.

What if I told you that what we are witnessing and experiencing collectively, is a winnowing of energies which have been hidden as motivations covering human hearts, which has been responsible for much of the pain and suffering on this beloved planet? What would happen to your perceptions of reality if you were to hold in your heart that what we are witnessing is a bringing forth of all that is separated from the energies of Light and Love?

What we are collectively witnessing as a planetary family is the Purification Process in action."

Post subject: Expressing and Being LOVE In A Time of Winnowing

Long held hatreds, biases, prejudices rise to the surface for all to see.

A separation of the wheat from the chaff. The chaff believing itself to be of the Light seeks to make all in their image and likeness.
Freedoms desecrated, rights desecrated.
"You are not like us - you do not belong!"
"You are not real Americans!"
Cry the doctrinal and evangelical of the new monarchy of the republic.

Hardened hearts turn from the meek towards the gilded voices of intolerance.



link updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: A CALL TO AWAKEN: An End to the Idea of 'Disposable People'
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:14 pm 

The idea of 'disposable people' or disposable populations has been with humanity for as long as fear has been present, based on the sense of being separate and alone and on the perceived loss of unity with the surrounding environment and with the One Spirit that pervades all.  This fear has governed human life for millennia, and it lurks even now within the hidden recesses of our hearts and causes us to continue to think of ourselves as needing to protect ourselves from others, rather than finding ways to include or embrace them.
We have all kinds of justifications for fear that we can point to outwardly, the main one being the things that human beings are willing to do to each other.  In the presence of such fear, the heart must grow larger.  Our desire to be inclusive must become stronger, and equally importantly, we must become able to separate the emotional energies that become a source of dark motivations among people, from the true self that has been overcome by these dark motivations.  For there continue to be many today whose hearts have become buried beneath false beliefs and darkened energies that cause them to misperceive the true humanity of others.  Out of this separation from self and from their own hearts, these souls are willing to commit crimes against humanity.  Yet, even while they do this, the equally great crime is against their own humanity which they have been removed from, and for this we may have compassion, even while denying consent to their actions.
To have a heart which beats to the impulse to love all is to be willing to love as God loves, and to be willing to perceive the sacred life within all.  It is to refuse to allow any group, population, or label to separate us from others, so that we are willing to deny dignity and respect to that particular cluster of human life.

An End to the Idea of 'Disposable People'

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 Post subject: The Power OF Light - The Strongest Force In Creation
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:19 pm 

The power of light is the strongest force in Creation.  It can redeem all that is separated.  It is the same force through which all of Creation came into being. To participate in this healing is to align with light and not darkness.  It is to choose wholeness and love over all else that may claim one's involvement. 

The process of purification is based on our desire to live in wholeness and to serve life and God in love and truth.  Such a desire opens the way for light to begin to flow through us as we strive to become light. It leads to the overcoming of the power formerly given to darkness and separation. 

The light that we choose is a Divine light that belongs to all souls.  It has nothing to do with doctrine or belief and can be invoked, prayed to, felt, and participated in by anyone of any background. It is the light of our Divine essence as well as the light through which all things came into being.  It is this sacred light that is the heritage of all children of God and the means for returning home. 

II.  Free-Will ... Part2.html

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 Post subject: Energies Of Negation
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:28 pm 

Energies of negation cast doubt upon one’s most deeply held truths.  They seek to disrupt these truths to make them seem like slimly held beliefs, when they are in fact the foundation upon which one’s life and values are built.  Energies of negation are based on the premise that only what is visible is real, that one’s mind can determine what is real, and that what is invisible is subject to doubt.  This is the heart and cornerstone upon which duality is built, and its premise is that there is a space of non–relatedness between subject and object and that oneself is separate from all else.
Energies of negation can cast doubt on the understanding and knowing and even on the experience that God is real.  The experience, not emanating from the mind, but from the heart and from the spiritual senses, can be undermined by efforts of such energies to dismantle the credibility of spiritual senses.  They seek to discredit these and to apply only the system of rational belief based on proof to the whole area of human experience.  In this way, they seek to keep human consciousness within a closed circle of perception in which only what is visible and provable is perceived to be real, and all that falls outside of that is deemed to be unreal or at least to be severely in doubt.  In this way has the interpretation of human experience moved from immersion in the sacred to a deterioration of sacred values and perceptions which has reduced human perception to but a fraction of what it could be.
Energies of negation, however, can be negated and bypassed in safety when one’s heart is firmly planted in the truth of one’s being, and when the heart’s truths are felt to be real.  Then, the efforts to make the mind the sole arbiter of truth must ultimately fail since the heart’s truths are based on the beingness of the soul and what it knows, not on the beliefs of the mind.  It is for this reason that the heart’s truths must be paid attention to at all times, especially at times of doubt and confusion, since these are unassailable by energies of negation.  They exist in a sphere which is illumined by the light of the soul and cannot be disturbed by energies of negation.
Energies of negation can and have ‘proven’ to those susceptible to such proofs that God is not real, even when the deepest heart knows that such proofs are false.  Nevertheless, they can operate powerfully to take one away from the deeper knowings of the heart that are the foundation of life.
All such energies are being dismantled now in a process of dispersion.  They are being dismantled and they are being removed from their influence in the sphere of human consciousness.  They are being returned to the light and they are being replaced by the clear light of soul truth.  In this way, the process of dispersion is reclaiming human consciousness back to its sacred origins and removing those energies that have cast doubt on the validity of the sacred.

Last edited by Johanna on Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: The Phenomenon Of Repulsion
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:33 pm 

Repulsion is a feeling that involves a pushing away from something that feels distasteful, repugnant, or negative in an extreme way.  Even if the cause is unknown, the feeling creates the desire to flee, to avoid, to create distance, to turn away from something that feels distasteful or threatening.
The energy of opposition to light can create the feeling of repulsion toward that which, were it not present, would be perceived as light-bearing.  The feeling of repulsion may be considered to be the emotional aspect of an electro-magnetic phenomenon taking place within one's own energy body that is activated by an internal energy of darkness encountering light in an object or person, causing a desire to  create distance from this object, person, thought, or situation.
We are often deceived by the phenomenon of repulsion into thinking that it is generated externally due to simply not liking something or someone.  Or, that it is based on the reality of perceiving an energetic attack coming from outside us,  usually from another person.  Sometimes the feeling of repulsion arises with an accompanying sense of dread, yet at other times there is just the desire to flee without knowing why.  
What is difficult about the phenomenon of repulsion is the discernment that an energy within us is influencing our own thought process, and that this energy is not being caused by the object or person that it is directed toward.
Repulsion is caused by energy interacting with energy.  It is a property of the dynamic interplay of light and darkness and is not felt in all instances in which darkness is activated within the self.  This makes it more difficult to discern.

How do we remain in light when this phenomenon is present?

The way is through humility and love.  If thoughts are turning to judgment of another, or if the feeling of wanting to flee is being blamed on another, humility and love can allow us to at least look within ourselves to see more clearly what is going on, rather than looking at the ostensible external cause of the problem.  Humility and love allow for the possibility of withdrawing our own emotional projections of blame, even if they do not relieve the energetic phenomenon altogether, and even if the feeling of needing to gain distance still remains.
Sometimes space or separation are needed in order to gain the clarity to deal with the feeling of repulsion.  At such times prayer to be shown the truth of our own experience is important, as is a humble heart so that we can be shown whether the difficult energy is outside or inside our self.
Where judgment, blame, threat, or the need to flee are attributed to an external cause, or where the need to avoid is greater than can be reasonably explained, the humble heart that wishes to remain in love will at least ask to know whether repulsion may be operating.

After determining that it may be present, the compassionate heart will then ask for guidance to see what might be possible under existing circumstances, and whether the physical/energetic difficulty can be surmounted and replaced by love.

Last edited by Johanna on Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: False Guidance And True Guidance
PostPosted: Mon Oct 22, 2018 2:38 pm 

There is a need today for discernment regarding the source of guidance that comes to the embodied self, for energies that can represent themselves as emanating from the light are not always coming from that source, and the effort to lead astray those who are devotedly and with great sincerity trying to follow a true path of service to God, remains strong.
Often, guidance that seems to come from the light but does not will create a feeling of apprehension or confusion.  It will arouse anxiety rather than calmness and peace. Yet even when anxiety is not present, one can tell the difference between what is false and what is true by the presence or absence of love.

Love does not declare, it invites and encourages.

Love does not intimidate, threaten, or judge.  It supports and nurtures.
Love does not suspend the rights of others to hold different points of view or to disagree with the guidance altogether.

Love does not appropriate to itself the rights of others, even when guidance seems most compelling.
Love is gentle, it emanates from the heart with gentleness and remains humble and respectful, observing the right of others to pursue a different path.
Love does not force anything upon others without their permission.  In its humility it requests an audience but does not demand it.  It respects the Divine and human right of each one to govern their own existence.  It does not trespass where it is not wanted.
There have been many, both past and present, who have, while in positions of spiritual leadership, pursued paths of service believing them to be authorized by the true light of God when in fact they were partly so authorized, and partly altered by mistaken judgments made on the basis of false guidance.
One must be very humble to recognize the path of truth.

One must be very respectful of the rights of others to recognize the path of truth.
One must hold love as an essential on all levels of being, the human as well as the Divine, in order to not justify trespassing on the rights of others because one believes oneself to be 'right' or 'righteous'.

These are the measures that call out to be recognized by those who seek to lead humanity in the direction of the one true God.  They call out to be recognized in loving humility toward all, recognizing that all are one, and that all are pursuing their own path to God to the best of their ability.  Therefore, overriding their freedom to do so, or forcing some edict, prescription, or advice upon others because it seems correct, can leave one vulnerable to false guidance, and remove one from the true path of light.  In this way both arrogance and self-righteousness can be recognized as temptations that lead one astray through the very belief that one is right.

Light always serves all.
It remains wedded to love.
It is gentle and in service to the One.

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 Post subject: The Increasing Intensity of the Energies of Darkness
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 8:56 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

A few weeks ago I became aware that there has been a considerable increase in the release of separated energies. A dimensional permeation has occurred which has effected this nation and the planet in ways which will be manifesting, and have been manifesting with a greater intensity. The intensity of the energies of darkness being released has been overwhelming. I find my heart and nervous system being increasingly shocked as I witness energies which are meant to be absorbed by Light being acted out. Even as I have been gifted by 'knowing' through the prophecies and revelations which I have been anchoring since 2003 of what is coming forward, my heart recently has been overwhelmed by the levels of darkness and a willingness in many souls to align with the energies of darkness. Those souls who have lived this lifetime in repressive regimes are no strangers to these energies I speak of. Those souls who live in lands which are war zones and amongst violence whose lives are at risk constantly, are too, no strangers to these energies I speak of. These are the energies of desecration.

What is there to do? Pray, ask for guidance, contain the releasing energies of darkness, and wait. My soul self has been prepared for the times we are moving into. My embodied self struggles with these separated energies which induce fear, migraines, exhaustion, and a perpetual sense in my heart of feeling overwhelmed. My work, which is to absorb and contain these releasing energies of darkness, makes doing more outwardly a wishful thought. At times, I grieve as I realize how small my human heart is in the face of what is, and what is coming forward.

Even as this is true, I am grateful for the opportunities to share Guruji-Ma Julie's Teachings with you Dear Readers. I feel grateful for the honour to share about love, truth, compassion, and a way thru the energies of darkness, anchoring in time and space that which is healing, that which is of the Light in a time of increasing energies of darkness.

I long for the time to come when more and more souls awaken to the influence of the energies of darkness and reclaim their love, their truth, their devotion to one another, their love and devotion to the planet. I long for the time when empathy reigns, when dignity and integrity reigns, and when no soul feels the fears of living in a war zone, living in violence, and living in poverty.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Work Of Light
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:18 am 

The work of light, everywhere, is to illumine and purify mind, heart, and body so that humanity can hold a greater degree of love and light within itself and move to the next level of its spiritual unfoldment.  This is also true for the Earth itself which is also moving into the next stage of its spiritual unfoldment. 

* * * * * * * * * * *

Today, we are immersed in a process of planetary change taking place on the world stage behind events that are often in the news.  This process of global purification has, as its goal, the eradication of those areas of darkness within the collective consciousness that are the cause of separation, division, and enmity, both from one another and from the sacred life that God would have us live. The purpose of this transformation and its aim is the replacement of these attitudes with a new consciousness of unity, built upon a foundation of spiritual truth and love.

     Events we witness today of extreme violence, of degradation of the humanity of others, of cruelty, of the punitive seeking of revenge, of hatred justified in the name of God, of practices of deception and manipulation – all are manifestations of currents of darkness that can infiltrate human emotions and motivations.  These currents, while partly emotionally-based, are also parts of Creation existing at other levels of spiritual reality.  Today, they play a large role on the world stage and within the hearts of many because it is the time of purification upon the earth - a time when energies and motivations that have lain dormant within body and heart become released into awareness.  While these energies do not necessarily have to be acted out, often, because of the strength with which they are felt, they become the source of action.

     Such an expansion of darkness is not happening by chance. It is a result of the more profound and universal expansion of light upon the planet – a movement whose effect is to both awaken people spiritually, while simultaneously stirring the dormant energies which act in opposition to this awakening.  In this stirring is a movement toward greater freedom, with the mechanism of release into awareness being one stage on the road to becoming free of the energy entirely. 

     The work of light, everywhere, is to illumine and purify mind, heart, and body so that humanity can hold a greater degree of love and light within itself and move to the next level of its spiritual unfoldment.  This is also true for the  Earth itself which is also moving into the next stage of its spiritual  unfoldment.  In the case of the Earth, development operates according to similar principles as those for individuals, with the expansion of consciousness and the increase in the concentration of light being parts of it.  And just as it is time for people, individually, to awaken, it is also time for the being that is the Earth to move into greater light and into heightened spiritual resonance. This movement has already begun and will have profound implications for every life form inhabiting the planet.
The expansion of light affects all levels of consciousness.  On the individual level, it begins to reveal what has been hidden from awareness because it was too painful to see before now.  Simultaneously, it creates a greater capacity for love and joy because of increased contact with an inner wellspring that is the sacred essence of every human being. 

     On the level of relationships, the advent of greater light reveals more of the truth that  relationships hold, making it possible to discern which of these serve the purposes of growth and wholeness, and which limit these and are being held onto out of fear. 

On the global level, the effect of increased light is to release into collective awareness, impulses of a negative nature that were more deeply buried and more tightly bound.  These impulses can also become amplified by larger energies which seek to turn the process of purification to their own ends.  Such a pursuit could not be successful if such energies and motivations were not already present within the human heart.  Yet, impulses such as those that give rise to terrorism in its many forms, to genocidal behavior, and to all practices of cruelty of one individual to another, are all aspects of darkness which the larger energies can capitalize on.

     As purification continues, light and darkness will continue to separate and energies of darkness will continue to make themselves known. On a planetary level, no matter how much this may appear to be the result of the actions or intentions of any one nation, it is more importantly happening because it is mankind's time of release from bondage - the beginning of a process of being set free from all that prevents the expansion of greater love.  Despite the painful effects of this process as we witness them today, what is being released into consciousness will ultimately be freed from the personal self and the world's self.  What will remain is a changed humanity, capable of experiencing greater freedom to love.

     In the meantime, many suffer during this time of transition, and the heart that is opening to greater love must be concerned for them all.  Yet, concern is not despair, nor is it the loss of hope. Indeed, those who seek to move through this time without being influenced by the negative energies need to hold the reality of light while holding the suffering.  Such anchoring affirms our trust in God's sacred intention to bring light out of darkness, and to bring the earth forward as a planet and as a participant in the brotherhood of planets whose consciousness is based on light.  Though this may seem like a distant and implausible vision, its truth lies deeply buried within the human heart.  For there are those who are our brothers and sisters on the earth who wait for this time of transition to end and for peace and harmony to prevail.  And there are those who are part of the greater life of the universe who also await the outcome of this sacred time of emergence.

     Let us pray that no matter what we must go through in the process of purification, that the presence of greater light remain firmly anchored in our hearts so that however strong the opposing currents, we are able to remain faithful to a life based on the principle of love. 

     And let us pray, also, that love for this planet and for all beings rest within each and every heart, and that the earth itself be blessed as it moves into greater light


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 Post subject: Being A Source Of Love
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:20 am 

Guruji-Ma Julie of Light Omega

Within the process of purification, one gains the insight and ability to withdraw projections from others in order to take full responsibility for one's own feelings and consciousness. Along the way, certain basic principles are established relating to one's emotional and relationship life.

It is understood, for example, that each person is responsible for their own consciousness. Although the tendency to focus on external causes for what one feels may still be active, it is increasingly perceived that these are less significant as reasons for our reactions than the underlying tendency to feel and respond in certain ways.

These underlying tendencies toward anger, withdrawal, anxiety, depression, numbness, distractability, restlessness, etc. are not caused by others. They are part of the sub-structure of personality that a soul incarnates with. These features, in turn, create a stream of consciousness that produces feelings and behaviors.

When this stream of feelings is activated in the presence of another, that other is not the 'cause' of the activation but the 'immediate catalyst' for the activation which could also have been initiated by any one of a number of other possible activators. Understanding this is an important part of withdrawing projections.

Purification asks for great honesty with respect to motives. It asks us to understand and accept that when certain emotional energies and states are ready to reach awareness, whether on a short or long term basis, the external event will appear that seems to precipitate these energies into consciousness. The external event did not 'cause' the emotional energies. The emotional energies needing to become conscious brought into being or manifested the external event.

This perspective is often difficult to hold since one is generally not fully aware of the energies in their pre-conscious state. That is, one is not aware of them prior to the event which seemed to cause them. Yet, within our awakening consciousness, we begin to see that all events that surround us have meaning because they bring into focus the internal issues in need of healing and transmutation.

Such a perspective leads to the awareness that we create our own lives. We draw to ourselves those events, persons, and situations which will help heal those places within us in need of healing. We are not acted upon as much as creators. This is the basis for understanding the power of thought and feeling and for understanding the need to withdraw projections.

Taking responsibility for one's own consciousness is often not easy, especially when external events are compelling and arouse strong reactions. Nevertheless, this movement begins the process of actualizing a deeper layer of honesty with ourselves. It promotes healing that will often remain inaccessible while projections are still in the way.


Last edited by Johanna on Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Energies of Projection And Deception
PostPosted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 9:35 am 

Those who are aligned with energies of darkness can become agents of deception through the belief in the persona that they have created, a persona influenced by forces of darkness.  The 'persona' is that aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others. Such forces can simultaneously separate individuals from the true feelings and values of their heart, while at the same time creating the illusion that they are speaking from their heart. Some who are so influenced may know the difference between sounding like they are speaking from their heart and actually feeling their heart. Some do not.

The persona, when strongly influenced by energies of darkness, and when accepted by the person themselves, can develop a life of its own and become an energetic agent in its own right with powers of its own, even when the person is not present and even when they are not actively trying to influence others.  It then acts as a projection, similar to a film that is projected onto a blank screen.  The image extends from the movie projector that houses the film footage and is projected onto the screen, or in this case onto the consciousness of others which operates like a  blank screen as it receives an impression.  The impression that is projected emerges from the persona of the person who is carrying the energies of darkness.  The projection takes these same energies and brings them outward so that they interact with others without their knowing it.

File comment: Persona: the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.
What Energies Are We Projecting_JohannaRaphael_OEA.jpeg
What Energies Are We Projecting_JohannaRaphael_OEA.jpeg [ 43.13 KiB | Viewed 1322 times ]

The capacity of consciousness to act as a 'blank screen' onto which images, thoughts, or feelings are projected comes from several places.

First, is the lack of awareness that such a projection of thoughts or feelings could possibly exist and the absence of alertness to this possibility. 

Second, because of 'projective identification' with specific qualities of the persona of another, a person may unwittingly hear what they desire to hear and feel what they desire to feel while merging with the persona being projected.  Such identification takes place when one's own psyche contains deep wishes to feel comforted, more secure, more optimistic, more empowered, and more capable of succeeding where one has failed in the past.  The psyche then identifies with the projected feelings of confidence which overcome feelings of helplessness, or the projected feelings of optimism which overcome the loss of hope.  That this is not real is not known to consciousness because the power of projection creates the illusion that the feelings are real, and that they are emanating from a real source of feeling, namely the heart.  The deception lies in the fact that the projected qualities of feeling are not coming from the heart connected with the soul, but from the ego and mind that seeks to achieve a certain effect on others.

How does one come to recognize a persona that appears to speak from the heart but actually does not, one that uses words from the heart but words that lack energetic depth and connection to the deeper levels of being?

 The way requires deep clarity about one's own heart in its feeling state of love, truth, and the desire to help others.  Out of the deeper feeling qualities of one's own heart comes a recognition of the hearts of others that are truly present, and the words of others which may seem to represent the heart but do not.

That this is difficult is true for many who have habitually listened to the words of others primarily with their minds, not with their hearts, and for many who have not come to trust themselves and their own inner knowing. Both limitations can be overcome, however, through deepening one's own self-awareness and love, and through believing that it is possible to tell when others are being emotionally truthful and when they are not.  Each heart in its deeper layers is connected with the soul, and so each heart innately understands what true love feels like and what true humility, kindness, and the desire to help others feels like.  This is the way of defeating the power of deception, namely, through aligning with the heart connected with the soul, and through becoming able, as a result of the light of the soul, to remain aligned with truth.  In this way one avoids and disempowers the deception that masquerades as love but is not.


Guruji-Ma Julie of Light Omega ... ption.html

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 Post subject: Free Will - Accountability
PostPosted: Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:20 pm 

What does it mean 'to believe in a different reality'?

It means that we have a larger Self and are not composed of just the layer of identity that has many doubts, flaws, and limitations - restrictions that often leave us not knowing what to do.

It means that our higher Self is operating at all times within the planes of pure Spirit, and that it continues on in a pure and uplifted way, even while we, within our human experience, may be feeling quite differently.

It means that we trust that a way can be found to align with our higher Self so that we are less influenced by the lower emotions and can choose what we wish to feel. In all of this, the critical element is believing that we have a CHOICE.

Guruji-Ma ... ality.html

Free Will - Accountability

As embodied souls we all have one thing in common (for the mentally disabled this is not always true), yet for the rest of humanity, we have on thing in common - free will. We always have a choice as to what we will choose to do next.

When an energy we carry harms, or we express the energy and our actions or words wrongs or harms others, we are given opportunities to 'see' that which we have done, check ourselves, and change our behaviours.

When we choose to not be accountable, when we choose to deny that which we are doing or have done, the same energies will continue to manifest. The cast of characters may change. but the purification issue is always the same. The purification process will continue to manifest that which is need of healing until healing (return to wholeness) has been achieved.

Until there is the free will choice to be accountable, to stop the behaviours, to stop the denial, the patterns which have emerged will continue. The energies will continue to be expressed.

Pray for the suffering. Pray for those inflicting the suffering that they may see the Light and heal that which may cause harm, or is harming others.

with love,

Where issues in the past have not been able to be dealt with at the deepest level, but only in a more intellectual way or only to a certain degree, the expansion of light releases into awareness the deeper strata of thought and feeling, bringing with it more profound aspects of the original situation in need of healing. This would all be clearly understandable if the action of light were observable to the conscious self, which could then become more of a witness to the process, rather than fully immersed in it. In fact, in cases where such witnessing is possible, greater peace is often present even while difficulties continue. Nevertheless, this perspective is not always available, due to the intensity of ongoing difficulties.
Even where symptoms express themselves physically as part of the purification process, the underlying cause is still a need for the healing of one's consciousness, and this need can also increase in intensity, manifesting physical symptoms that are stronger than they were before.

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 Post subject: There IS A Connection - Desecrated Speech
PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:18 am 

There IS A Connection - Desecrated Speech

There is a connection between desecrated speech and violence.

The energies of desecration can be found in acts of violence and the energies of violence can be found in desecrated speech.

Vehicles of Expression

These energies need vehicles of expression - embodied souls willing (consciously or unconsciously) to align with the energies and then express them. Suffering will continue until these energies are no longer expressed.

Pray or meditate Dear Readers upon the energies of love and unity. Pray that the Light may enter the heart's of those expressing desecrated speech.

All blessings and strength of heart to the families of the two shoppers in the Kroger's supermarket in Louisville, Kentucky and the families of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and for those who handled and received non-activated pipe-bombs. May those who are grieving and suffering perceive in their heart's that there are those who hold them dearly in their heart's with prayer and love.

The influence of darkness on all levels is to create separation from the truth of Divine reality, and, simultaneously, from the experience of the reality of love.


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