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 Post subject: LIGHT OMEGA NEWSLETTER: December 2023
PostPosted: Tue Dec 05, 2023 11:27 am 

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December, 2023
Prayers for the United States of America


Dear Beloved Ones,
In this time of tragic conflict between Israel and Palestine in a war that affects the entire planet, and in this time of extreme polarization and conflict between factions within the United States that believe themselves to be unalterably opposed to each other, and in some instances, enemies of each other, we need to pray for these United States of America, for her government and her leaders, and also for her heart. For this country has a heart, as surely as each individual has a heart. And this heart can beat with compassion and love for all beings as it is meant to do, or it can become insular and self-seeking, instead of seeking the good of all.

The heart of this country exists in the way in which we have, in the past, welcomed immigrants to our shores, the way in which we have absorbed peoples of all cultures, ethnicities, and skin colors into what has been termed the 'melting pot' of America. It has also existed in the ways in which we have based our government on the principle of respect for individual freedom and equality, while seeking the well-being of all. These have been the principles upon which this country has been founded, but many have not been put into practice, and some are waiting for the new time ahead in order to be realized.

Let us pray for the leaders of government within this country to remain faithful to the truth of compassion and love in their hearts, and for the people of this country to remain faithful to the truth that they carry so that they are not swayed by falsehood representing itself as truth. This is a serious dilemma taking place today on a global level, not only in this country. The claims of falsehood to be true are much more strident than before, and it is very difficult in relation to many issues that concern us all, to know what a 'fact' is and what reality is.

Let us pray for the well-being of each and every individual who wishes to live in peace and safety, and for the dawning of conditions, both inner and outer, that will make this possible.

As an anchor for our collective prayers, I invite you to join me in this new series of webcasts ... 023-11-26/ which are meant to help us attune to the needs of this time with awareness, hope, and trust in the future.




Prayers for the United States of America
Sundays, 5pm - 5:15pm (EST)
with GurujiMa
Online only
Join via the Light Omega Calendar

A weekly webcast of prayers and reflections
whose purpose is the recognition of the gap 
between the ideal and the real that has been 
part of this country's history, while at the same time affirming hope and trust in the present divine unfoldment that is establishing this country's future. May the United States of America become what it is at its core — a beacon of light in service to all of mankind. 



Activating Hope and Negating "Negation":
How Can I Make Things Better?

As you look at the world around you, the larger world around you, there are many things that you would like to correct. What's important about that, is not to find out what's wrong, what's deficient, what's lacking. But what do you aspire to for the world? What would you like to see in place of what's difficult, or incomplete, or lacking? It's very easy to find fault with communities, with nations, with the world. But what would you do, to make things different? What would you recommend? For this, the freedom of imagination is needed - and a commitment to be an agent of change.
Watch online... ... =666869402



Message of the Statue of Liberty:
The Welcoming Hear

The welcoming heart embraces all. It says: “Come, my friend. I wish to help you grow and thrive and be all that you can be." This is the message that the welcoming heart offers, not only to its family, children, or friends, but to all whom it meets. This is the message of Lady Liberty, and it is also the message of your own deepest heart.
Read more... ... lden-door/



New Earth Meditations
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00-8:30AM EST
Online/Call-In Only

Dec. 11 - 18, 2023
No live morning meditations, recordings only

Dec. 20 - Jan. 5, 2024
7 Meditations on the Upanishads
and on the One who is All

(These replace New Earth Meditations for this time period.
There will be no meditation on Jan. 1st)



Honoring of 400 Meditations (Special Satsang Celebration) ... 023-12-10/
Sunday, December 10
Online & Village of Light Ashram

Becoming an Agent of Change: Inner Activism ... 023-12-05/
Tuesdays (12/5, 12/12, 12/19, 1/2)
Online & Village of Light Ashram


Understanding What You Sing: Sanskrit, the Basis for Chanting ... ing-green/
Saturday, December 16
Online & Village of Light Ashram


New Earth Briefing ... 023-12-16/
Saturday, December 16
Online & Village of Light Ashram



Recurring Events

Sunday Satsang
10:30-11:45AM EST
Online & Village of Light Ashram

Prayers for the United States of America ... 023-12-03/
Sundays, 5:00-5:15PM
Online Only

New Earth Meditations (Live)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00-8:30AM EST
Online Only


Morning Meditations (Pre-recorded) ... chive/all/
Tuesday, Thursday
8:00-8:30AM EST
Online Only

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 Post subject: Songs of Freedom
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 8:53 pm 

Songs Of Freedom

Hello Dear Readers,

I was driving today and a song of prophecy by Ras Marley - Redemption Song, began playing on the radio. Suddenly, I found myself weeping as I listened and heard his prophecy in a new way, in regards to unfolding world events.

…But my hand was made strong
by the hand of the Almighty.
We forward in this generation

...Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds
Have no fear for atomic energy
'Cause none of them can stop the time
How long shall they kill our prophets
While we stand aside and look? Uh
Some say it's just a part of it
We've got to fulfill the book

Won't you help to sing
These songs of freedom?

Bob Marley and The Wailers
Redemption Song

My work continues to focus more inwardly, in service to distinguishing energies separated from Light and Love which are releasing as energies meant for transformation, not karmic re-engagement.

Last night whilst washing up, I found whilst my eyes were gazing at the dishes, what I could see, was the sight of my inner eyes - the dusty gray bones of entire neighborhoods destroyed, all colors and life gone, beauty and life entombed in rubble. Later, whilst resting and watching a movie, these words came to me:

Without Consent:

Collective psychopathology.
Collective dehumanization
Collective violence.
Collective destruction.
Collective punishment.
Collective insanity.

2023 - Rising In Light

Unaware of the meaning of this phrase collective psychopathology, I typed it into my browser and learned in essence, it's the tragic experiences of groups of people or a large percentage of a nations peoples engaging in mass murder and collective punishment often by groups who have experienced similar experiences of suffering.

Christmas celebrations have been cancelled in Jerusalem this year, and in solidarity, my holydays will be spent in reflection, receiving visions of the energies of the new year, as well as recognizing in prayer, those in need of support. Dear Readers, it has been difficult for years to participate in what has become the commodification of the sacred - Christmas (‘shopping season’).

Why was I crying? Partly the natural response of the energies of helplessness and guilt which comes from having a conscience which recognizes I am a part of a society which is condoning, green lighting, and supplying weapons of death which are killing - murdering thousands of embodied souls. As an American, it is my government which calls itself a Democracy and human rights defender who is supporting without restraint, the intentional starvation, deprivation of water and medicines of millions of imprisoned people whilst simultaneously bunker bombing and carpet bombing, with the assistance of AI and geo-targeting, two million imprisoned people.

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I cry for the peoples living in the West Bank who suffer the horrors of settler rampages, actions which remind me of the savagery of American settlers and government. I cry for the Mothers, Fathers, Sons, Daughters, children, babies, animals, the peoples of Palestine under siege. I cry for all those stolen from their lands and those who lands were, and are, being stolen from them.

I cry for those who suffered so severely under the supremacy of enslavement. I cry for my brothers and sisters who still live under the oppression of the consciousness of white supremacy hidden in the ranks of policing, laws, and governing.

Thank you Ras Marley for your prophecies and music which lives on, expanding in it's love, strength, and light.

People who are, or have been, oppressed will never stop seeking, nor protecting, their divine right to freedom. They will never stop singing songs of freedom.

Honouring all the poets, artists, writers, musicians, journalists - the truth tellers who have been murdered.

All blessings to the Ukrainian peoples who have lost so much precious life and beauty, and freedoms.

All Blessings.
with love,

P.S. I won't be surprised when actual self-proclaimed neo-Nazi's show up with vile anti-Semitic placards at demonstrations seeking peace and the end of the killings or others who cannot hold the energies of longing for peace and profound feelings of sorrow for the suffering.

Also, witnessing in amazement, the retributive political actions and new narratives of white supremacist's - whose leaders incitements created fertile environments for the dark expressions of Pittsburgh Synagogue mass killer, and the Charlottesville "Jews will not replace us" tiki torch marchers, "good people on both sides" rhetoric, as well as governance which has not condoned neo-Nazi's marching in their streets with Nazi flags and paraphernalia - rushing to dismantle the freedoms of those marching for peace and the end of mass murder. Always, the hubris of a humanity separated from their hearts, manifests in seeking to control freedoms and liberties of those perceived as feared 'Other'.

Prepare your hearts for the, at times, shocking alternate realities to come Dear Readers of vexatious inversions of shared reality. They are but thought-forms and projections manifesting, yet when aligned with, can create new legislative initiatives of suppressing Constitutional rights and political malfeasance, as well as pressure to conform to that which is morally injurious.

"Stay principled."

~ Rafaat Alareer
Poet, Scholar, Teacher, Extraordinary Embodied Soul

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Approaching 2024
PostPosted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 9:02 pm 

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Light Omega



December 6, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Approaching 2024

The new begins cloaked in invisibility,

barely noticed, hidden behind the fabric of the old.

What is dark and overcast claims greater reality

than the light that it conceals.

Yet, this claim is not valid,

for It is that which is invisible that is more real.

Whose heart can register what the eyes 

cannot yet see — 

a thousand million stars still shining,

even when the sky appears black.

Whose heart can register what the mind 

cannot yet perceive —

the wise ones who do not need to see 
in order to know.

The new begins like a swift horse that has 
suddenly gained greater speed.

We hold onto its mane,
we ride the wind,

We are held, and carried, 
and brought forth. 


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 Post subject: Energies of Opposition: An Inversion of Love
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:40 pm 

Energies of Opposition: An Inversion of Love

...Energies creating the “inversion of love” are present in great measure at this time on the Earth, due to the expansion of light taking place globally. It is important to remain steadfast in their presence, knowing that one can remember what is true, and know what is true, even if one cannot feel what is true. Steadfastness in relation to aligning with the deeper truth of the soul, whether feeling is there or not, is the way to move through such energies of inversion, which will ultimately reduce in intensity so that a degree of connection with the heart can again take place. This is to say that if one remains steadfast in relation to the place of truth, whether felt or not, oppositional energies will ultimately diminish in their potency, due to the greater potency of light.

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The deeper heart of each of us is connected with our Divine self, our soul self, and so at the deepest level such energies cannot touch the place of our knowing. However, they can create doubt on the more surface levels of awareness that love is what we really feel. Steadfastness in relation to the knowing of truth must become a mantra in this time, so that we can walk through this energetic influence until its effect is no more. This outcome is part of the Divine plan for the Earth, namely, that the energies of opposition may have their day, but the ultimate outcome for individuals and for the Earth is the outcome of love and light.

Energies of Opposition: An Inversion of Love ... arts-love/

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 Post subject: On Retreat - December 11, 2023 - January 11, 2023
PostPosted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 7:50 pm 

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Hello Dear Readers,

I will be on retreat from December 11, 2023 until January 11, 2024. If guided to do so, I may come and post Wednesday's Words of Light, and/or the Solstice blessings vision. This is a very sacred time of year for me where I am able to immerse body, mind, and spirit deeper into silence, listening, and receiving.

Thank you for your readership Dear Readers.

with love,

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 Post subject: Solstice Blessings - 2023
PostPosted: Tue Dec 12, 2023 10:28 pm 

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The Choice:

I perceive this Solstice Blessings vision (vision on the left side - The Omega symbol with two pillars - darkened with Light behind and above) as a passage thru what the holy mystic St. John of the Cross called the Dark Night of The Soul. The Omega symbol which holds which enfolds the two pillars is a signifier of a 'last passage' before something new comes into being.

I perceive the Omega symbol on the left side as an illustration of a passage coming forward of humanity going thru the dark night whilst the Light Omnipresent, is 'with' humanity. The Light is illuminating both the contractive energies of the darkness and the passage as 'doorway'.

There seems to be an energy I perceive in the vision on the left side, of the Cosmic Consciousness of Creation's awareness of this passage (Omnipresence) and a knowing of humanity's (soul) potentiality to traverse thru this dark night.

When I was drawing this vision on the left side, a second part of the vision, the Light was illuminating the passage itself, thru the two pillars. (Which is now a part of the completed version of the vision.) The Choice. The free-will choice of all souls, two pathways both encompassed by the Light, each offering a path of Reclamation - wholeness - Redemption.

Perceptions of the colors as frequencies - energies. The white blue Light resonating with the energies of Light expanding truth and clarity in the presence of energies vibrating at the levels of contraction, fear, binding, density, and obfuscation. I perceive the grey color as resonating with the expanding frequencies of Light intermingling with the denser frequencies.

At a another level of collective soul embodiement, this vision feels connected to ancient Solstice experiences of being inside of sacred neolithic mounds and stone formations as humanity looks out into the Cosmos awaiting the coming of the Light. I perceive this vision may be tapping into a very ancient consciousness of understanding the dynamic between Earthly and Cosmic doorways into expanding consciousness.

with love,

Update: 12.20. 2023 Dear Readers, I have once again, re-composed my perceptions of the descriptor of this vision, I hope what I have written makes greater sense. Over the years of receiving visions I have always felt that I although I am the first to receive visions, I am also the last to fully realize their meanings.

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Miracles of Light
PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2023 5:04 pm 

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Light Omega



December 13, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Miracles of Light

How beautiful in the universe are the 
miracles of light that
You have created.

Unseen and unheralded, 
they work their magic behind the scenes, 
often hidden, often dismissed,

yet endlessly giving life to situations 
clothed in darkness.

These are the miracles that we need to turn to

in times of disbelief and despair,

when it seems that human beings 
have been left to fend for themselves 
in lives of difficulty.

Then, unnoticed and overlooked,

a tendril of light works its way into

the seemingly opaque and impenetrable darkness.

A crack in the covering is made,

and new life begins.

Praise to the light that creates these miracles.

Praise to the One that gives them birth.

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 Post subject: For The Energetically Sensitive And Empaths
PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:41 pm 

Notes From Retreat:
For The Energetically Sensitive And Empaths

Hello Dear Readers,

Over the years, GurujiMa has shared with me, repeatedly, not to take energies personally. I am sharing a few recent experiences in this post to highlight that as the Light is expanding, so is our deeper unity with each other. Our abilities to perceive energies, thoughts or emotions which are not our own is also expanding as the previous energies of separation dissipate in the presence of Light.

Also during this time of expanding Light, energies which are intensely dehumanizing in their energetic nature are also being released.

Two Similar Experiences:

In the first experience, a person who is usually gentle and kind, took offense to reading choices I was making. When I left the interaction, I did not realize at first, that my body was experiencing the energies of trauma. The two words coming to my mind were harsh and demeaning. I was kinda of shocked because of the gentle nature of this embodied soul. The words hurt in my heart, and I found myself spinning out of my body energetically from their density. The energies associated with the words felt abusive (hence the trauma reaction of leaving my body) and it took hours to reground and center myself. It also took me some time during this experience to recognize that the words, which I repeated aloud, alone in the car, were not mine, they were coming from this embodied soul.

The second experience occurred today. I was in the grocery store. There were only two registers open. My groceries were on the belt and I was packing and I looked at what should have been two lines. The line to the left of me was long, the register I was at had no one in it but me. Perceiving the surreal nature of what was going on, I joked to the cashier, "Well I don't understand why everyone is waiting in the other line, you are quite fast." Only when I got outside and sat in the car, did I become aware that those waiting in the other line, about ten people, some couples, most elderly, were not coming to the register I was at, because of me. Because of how I look. And the words that came to my mind had to do with a slur. I kept repeating the slur aloud in the car, as I did not understand at first what was happening. It felt so surreal. In this experience, I did not feel traumatized and stayed grounded. Over the years, I have engaged with these energies. Today and in the previous experience was the first time I could hear words accompanying the energies.

Now I share these two instances of not only perceiving energies which are dense and separated from the frequencies of love, but also hearing words associated with the energies coming towards me, because GurujiMa's words came to me each time. "Do not take the energies personally." This is so important.

The energies of dehumanization are so prevalent at this time. Leaders as well as candidates are aligning with the energies in words, actions, and deeds. Dehumanizing rhetoric can be heard on the news, radio, internet, read in publications, seen in video, everyone who can hear or see, is taking in the verbalization of the energies of dehumanization. And, those who normally would not engage with the energies, can, in a state of not being fully conscious in the moment, unconsciously align with the energies. They may not speak the words aloud, but for those of us who are aware at another level, their thoughts and/or feelings are acutely penetrating to the heart.

So I post in the spirit of sharing the wisdom of GurujiMa - "Don't take these energies personally".

with love,

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - The One Life
PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2023 6:48 pm 

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Light Omega



December 20, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

The One Life

That which is grace descends through

layers of material thickening,

bringing light to all that it touches.

A world is born.

A consciousness is born.

The flattening effect of density

is no more, illuminated as it is by

divine grace, light, and love.

The hearts of all are awakened

from deep slumber.

They rise to the light

like sleepy children having

been woken up from a dream.

Look! See what is here now!

New life is coming into view,

not just outside you

but inside you as well.

The sleepy child asks: Is this real?

Can I believe my eyes?

Oh, yes, says the whisper of grace.

What has always been, and is,

and shall be, coming into being.


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 Post subject: Be The Love
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:06 am 

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 Post subject: WEDNESDAY'S WORDS OF LIGHT - Children of Tomorrow
PostPosted: Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:11 am 

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Light Omega



December 27, 2023

~ a weekly offering of light from GurujiMa ~

Children of Tomorrow with Dancing Eyes

Children of tomorrow with dancing eyes,

bright, and beautiful, 
and noble of spirit.

We have promised to guard their world

so that their eyes may continue 
to dance,

and their feet may continue 
to explore,

and their hearts may continue 
to be hopeful.

We pledge ourselves to their care.

May their hearts dance within us.

May their songs be a song we can sing.

May their bright spirits fulfill 
the promise that brought them here,

to bring to the world the light 
of tomorrow.


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 Post subject: Blessing For The New Year
PostPosted: Sun Dec 31, 2023 9:09 pm 

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Teaching of GurujiMa - Forgive The Past and Cling to the Light.jpg [ 59.61 KiB | Viewed 2805 times ]

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