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 Post subject: Waiting To Be Shown The Way - The Truth Is Within
PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 7:54 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

Contractive energies persist with glimpses of Light as I continue to surrender to the reality of what is as it presents itself. This came to me whilst journaling and I wanted to share it with those who may be going through a contractive energetic experience.

with love,

When one waits
in the midst of
chaos and challenges,
and prays for the way
to be shown in the darkness,
the inner self,
the soul,
will respond.

The truth you seek is within.

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 Post subject: Faith: Trusting In God's Timing
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:30 am 

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 Post subject: How To Hear The Voice Of The Soul
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:32 am 

How To Hear The Voice Of The Soul

In order to hear the voice of the soul, we must be empty and receptive. If we have agendas or needs as to what we want to hear, hope to hear, or are afraid to hear, we will be waiting for these expectations to materialize and will not hear the voice that is.

Embracing the Divine
Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Opening To The Light Of Spirit
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:35 am 
Opening To The Light Of Spirit

"...Now that the Earth, including the 'astral belt' is going through a process of purification, we are all being affected by these changes, and are being assisted in the purification of our thoughts. We can also chose to help in this cleansing process by taking responsibility for what we release into the atmosphere around ourselves individually. In particular, thoughts of anger, injustice, greed, the desire fork revenge, envy, superiority, etc. need to be replace by thoughts of forgiveness, love, compassion. As this becomes true on a personal and planetary level, it will be for each as if the air had cleared. Everything will become simpler, plainer, and easier to deal with. And this is so because the light of the Spiritual Sun will be enabled to imbue the cleared consciousness of humanity with its truth and joy.

Beloveds, clearing and purification of the mind can be done by each individual who chooses to open to the light of Spirit. We need to ask that there be a healing within the mind itself, so that those thought that are not God-like can be distinguished from those thoughts that are. On order to open our minds like this, it is necessary to first adopt and attitude of true humility and non-judgement, so that we are not attached to particuler thoughts that have become a part of our mental process. Then, in humility, we may ask Spirit to impart that Divine insight which distinguishes the true from the false, and the higher from the lower. In order to prepare the for the emergence of the Divine voice--I AM THAT I AM, it is necessary first to purify the mind, so that the path is clear and full of light. The hallmark of this attitude is seen in the expression:

"Not my will but Thy will be done."

When an individual is willing to surrender judgements that the ego has habitually made about situations to the understanding of Spirit, they will begin to understand that situation in a new way. If, however, that being chooses to hold their own opinions and judgements to be more important than those of the inner Guide, they will bring to themselves repeated life-situations which will change these same thought patterns, through the mechanism of karma, and through interaction with the life-process itself."

Teaching The Heart To Sing
Julie of Light Omega ... -Sing.html

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 Post subject: You Are Here To Radiate Light
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:37 am 

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Emanations of Healing Light ... Light.html

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 Post subject: All Paths To The ONE Are True Paths
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:47 am 

"... All paths to the One are true paths, as varied as they may be, because in their purity of origin they represent the many ways in which the One can be perceived, all of which are correct.  It is with this in mind that we can speak of prayer and meditation as two approaches to the Divine Unity, each  holding a mystery that can be explored in ever increasing depth by the beholder.  Prayer, which addresses the Source of being, addresses that Source through relationship, through the deepest love of the soul for the Divine Oneness that is at its core.  For prayer, the heart is instrumental in deepening the approach to the Divine Unity.  For it is the heart that gives intensity, depth, and completeness to the communion that can take place through prayer, and it is the heart that can experience a joining in love with the Divine Heart that requires nothing beyond this, for it is complete in itself.
Meditation can also take one to the Heart of the Divine, but more often it takes the seeker to the Being of the Divine.  Here is a door that one enters not in a relationship of two but in a unity of One.  In this place there is no self and other; there is no self and larger Self.  There is just One, experienced as both self and other, and beyond these labels as well.  This joining is on the level of Being.  It is an experience of feeling all within the All.  It is the droplet that knows the ocean while not being separate from the ocean, and it is the ocean that knows the droplet while not being separate from the droplet.  In this place of joining, all separation vanishes.  No droplet, no ocean, only One.  Here, one goes beyond relationship to the Unity of Being itself, the primordial place from which all life sprang forth.

The Heart of Meditation, The Consciousness of Prayer
Julie of Light Omega ... rayer.html

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 Post subject: Seeki Inner Knowing
PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 8:52 am 

Vibration is a key that communicates to our inner knowing not only whether truth is present, but whether light and love are present as well. We each have the capacity of discernment as souls created by the One.

Each human being is a child of the Divine, an embodied soul upon the Earth. It is for this reason that we must seek our inner knowing, especially at times of uncertainty, because it is there, it is real, and it is accessible to us.

Beloved Ones, this present time is calling forth many soul qualities from us because of the needs of the time, and one of the important ones lies in trusting our inner spiritual senses which tell us when love is present in a point of view or in a way of speaking and when it is not. The reward for this discernment is that we embrace the freedom that we have been given as children of the Divine to make up our own mind about what is real, and liberate ourselves from forces that would seek to convey to us a different reality.

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 Post subject: The Energetic Intensity Continues
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 11:00 am 

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Bring to Me the thoughts of care that you
have held in your heart.
wondering what more you could give
to My precious Earth,
of which you are a part, and she is a part of you.

Poems for the New Earth
Julie of Light Omega

Hello Dear Readers,

The intensity of energetic forces which precludes my writing on the OEA forum as much as my heart longs to, continues.

In the presence of the dense energies I am experiencing, there have been unexpected breaks (windows) of a few hours during the day of my energies returning and as a result, I have been able to go out into the garden and establish a relationship Mother Earth which has not been possible in the last few years.

A disconcerting feature of the land of the Retreat has been the lack of sighting a variety wild animals (note: except for the curious chickadees and the deer which seem to have little fear of me, so much so that I must make a great noise to encourage them back to the wood), which has left this visually beautiful land to seem bleak and disconnected from my heart.

Even in this small amount of time when I am able to go out and be with the Earth, I have noticed more species of birds nesting, and yesterday as Elijah and I were re-planting a small tree, majestic white chested hawk flew in and sat above us in the grandmother pine as we worked together below. This morning a female turkey came to the back wall and stood preening for some time. Both events uplifted my heart greatly!

I have even noticed an increase of tiny flying insects and bees in the last few days which are both signs of our creating a healthier habitat for nature to thrive.

I look forward to a time in the future when it will be possible to share more with you Dear Readers.

Until that time, I continue to allow for what is and surrender.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Holy Act of Incarnation
PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 5:00 am 
The Holy Act of Incarnation
Julie of Light Omega
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We take birth by choice, yet the choice is a mystery to our human self.  Why have we chosen to be born into a particular family, country, class, or gender?  Why did we incarnate with one set of mental or physical challenges and not another?

These questions that are not answerable on the human level follow us throughout life, and we intuit different answers to them at different stages in our life.  Yet, no matter what our answers, the mystery of birth remains a mystery, shrouded in the mists of spiritual reality that only part when we have left our physical form.

Nevertheless, the act of taking birth is a holy act, and we must honor it as such.  Between lifetimes, in the moments of illumination by Divine light, in the time of our choosing, we see our past and many possible futures.  We feel in our deepest being the need for healing in particular areas of our consciousness, and set priorities of birth according to what our deepest sense of need is at a given point in our soul’s development.

The light of the Infinite and the Intelligence of the Infinite are with us as we do this.  They are with our soul in its joining with Divine Intention.  As this takes place, we become capable of clearly recognizing what weight should be given to the many choices that surround incarnation.  We choose a particular genetic makeup that leads to a particular body constitution and mental constitution.  We choose the challenges that we shall meet and the soul we shall encounter and interact with.

Such knowledge comes to us in our joining with the Infinite light for a time.  And in this light, we also discern what gifts we will bring to our physical life, and in what ways our passage through physical reality shall be a service to others.  On the human level, we are often filled with the weight of our own cares and concerns, and therefore do not consider our life to be of service to others.  However, our service often takes place in the midst of our troubles, unbeknownst to our waking consciousness.  As a soul who has chosen the time and place of our incarnation, we were aware of our desire to benefit others through our choices.  As a human self, we frequently forget, feel smaller or less generous, separated from the truth of our own sacred service.

The holy act of incarnation has another aspect as well, and that is the aspect of reunion with the Divine Mother within physical form.  We are once again, in taking birth, joined with the substance of her sacred Body that is the entire physical and non-physical universe.  We become part of her again in a very intimate way.  In fact, the Divine Mother governs the entire process of incarnation, allowing pure spirit to become matter in all the millions and trillions of births that have ever been and shall ever take place.

This rejoining the Mother of All on the physical plane is holy.  We have thought, in the past, that we were spirit and then entered matter when we took birth, leaving spirit behind.  Now, we must think that we are spirit entering spirit as we take birth, for the Mother of the Universe inhabits all physical form, and so upon taking birth we move from spirit to spirit in a mystery of union that is beyond human understanding, but not beyond the understanding of our soul.

Incarnation allows our cells to rejoin the cells of the Earth’s body.  Our energy body becomes part of the Earth’s energy body.  We move from spirit to spirit as we rejoin the Body of the Mother and as we take form.

We have tended to view the day of our taking birth, our birth-day, from the frame of reference of the personality-self, wanting to feel special and loved on our special day, wanting the affirmation of the value of our presence to others through gifts and expressions of love, wanting to be noticed.  These birth celebrations bring joy to our outer selves and a sharing of companionship and love on the human level.  The sanctification of holy incarnation takes us to another  level of our being, one in which joy occurs as a result of fulfilling our soul purpose upon the Earth. 

In the sanctification of our incarnation, we celebrate our own sacred being that chose to fulfill a holy purpose that involves our own learning as well as being of benefit to others.  Some others we may know.  Some we may not know. We chose this, and in the sanctification of our incarnation we may bless our choice and pray to fulfill our purpose ever more fully. 

At the same time, we honor the Body of the Mother which we chose to enter in physical form once again, establishing our intimate relationship with Her and with the Divine essence within all things. On our holy birth-day, therefore, we are called to honor the sacredness of our own soul’s choice, while at the same time honoring the holiness of the Divine Oneness, the Mother, which we are here to recognize and experience within all of physical reality.

The Holy Act of Incarnation
Light Omega Newsletter, No. 35

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 Post subject: Disingenuous Euphemism
PostPosted: Mon May 07, 2018 9:17 am 

Disingenuous Euphemism

This morning I heard the media friendly and disingenuous euphemism for torture, 'water boarding' used on a national radio station.

Also the word black site without defining what it was.

Stay awake beloved Nation! Drift not back into the dark recesses never atoned for, nor reckoned with. For the energies which justifies the use of torture upon any human being even those callously designated as 'other' will be the merit of the justification of torture used upon all.

Where is the absolute horror and rejection of torture? With grief my heart languishes that we as a Nation have drifted so far from our sanctified and holy selves that torture has been, and continues to be, an option for incurring agony upon another soul.

Torture is a desecration of the soul.

Prayers for the suffering.

with love,

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun May 13, 2018 9:20 pm 

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All that we are is nourished by a taproot
embedded in the body of the Mother.

Body_Of_The_Mother_Yellow_Flowers_Johanna.jpg [ 124.16 KiB | Viewed 1949 times ]

Cleaving to Her as the Source of Life,
we bring what is needed through dimensions
and worlds to feed Her expression within us.

Body_Of_The_Mother_Trees_Johanna.jpg [ 148.68 KiB | Viewed 1949 times ]

We are Her children.
She is the Source.
The taproot, the sustainer of life.

Taproot of the Mother
Poems for the New Earth

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 Post subject: The Purpose Of Religion
PostPosted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:03 pm 

The Purpose Of Religion

Hello Dear Readers,

The following came to me in early April. I did not understand its meaning/relevance until today.

with love,

If religion is not defined as experiences of unity motivated by love, then what is religion for?

April 2018

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