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 Post subject: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:09 am 
~ the One life in the many ~

Welcome to the Calendar of Awakening, offering seeds of light to further the awakening process and to help with the release of old patterns of thought and perception. The experience of awakening is unique to each soul. Yet it is also shaped by the collective transformation of our time and the movement toward Unity and Love that is being activated by the presence of increased light on the Earth.

Awakening is non-denominational. It does not depend on religious belief, conviction, or on whether one has a belief at all. Rather, it depends on the readiness of the embodied soul to have a direct experience of Divine reality. How that experience becomes translated, with what language, perception, and feeling, is an individual matter that relates to the deepest layers of soul consciousness.

The purpose of this Calendar is to help liberate the soul's inner knowing so that the truth of Oneness and of the sacred Source of life can become a living reality. The Calendar seeks to do this not only through words, but through the vibration that the words carry. For this reason, it is best to sit with the daily messages for a short time, letting them sift through your awareness until they are fully absorbed. This allows the deepening process to take place most fully.

The Calendar of Awakening will come to you daily for one hundred and six days. If you wish to receive messages in the morning, there is a greater likelihood of this happening if you sign up for the first time in the morning, around the time you would like to receive messages.

When you sign up, you will immediately receive a Confirmation e-mail asking you to click on the link provided before your subscription can be complete. PLEASE WATCH FOR IT AND CLICK ON THE LINK PROVIDED. Some forget to do this and in such cases we are unable to send the daily messages.

Blessings, beloved ones. May these seeds of light expand the path of awakening you are already on.


The Calendar of Awakening is also available as a PDF e-Book in the Light Omega Bookshop.

File comment: The Earth rising as One
~ the One life in the many ~

Cal-Awakening [ 38.08 KiB | Viewed 26253 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Fri Oct 09, 2015 7:19 am 

All of karmic life is being replaced by
a new vibration of love and light.
To join the new, release all, forgive all,
love all.
Cling only to the Divine truth of your own
wholeness, not to the outer things you once
thought you needed.

Day 24, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

COA 24- new
COA 24- new [ 21.64 KiB | Viewed 26252 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2015 12:31 pm 

There is not one way to awaken but many.
Both heart and mind are doorways.
You pass through these doors in your own unique way,
based on the qualities of soul that form your essence.

No one is left behind.
No one is forgotten.
Even those who believe nothing at all
are on a spiritual journey.

Day 1, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

Door-COA Day
Door-COA Day [ 34.68 KiB | Viewed 26038 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2015 8:20 pm 

Each existence is founded in love,
for love has created all things.

Every molecule, cell, and atom of your body
is fueled by the energy of love.
Love holds all atoms and molecules together.
It is the great binding agent which allows
existence to be.

Day 3, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 4:09 pm 

The long journey through time causes the outer
self to believe in its smallness,
rather than in the largeness of its own being.

If your past identity has become too small,
let yourself expand.
Be without walls and let the whole world
become your dwelling place.

Day 28, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

Photo by Garry Knight on Flickr

COA-Day 28--flickr-photos-garryknight-6748872565-
COA-Day 28--flickr-photos-garryknight-6748872565- [ 25.66 KiB | Viewed 25995 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 1:42 am 

A morning mantra as you awaken each day:

"I am the Life within me.
I am the Love within me.
Let all that is not that be healed in
the light of love."

Day 57, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

COA-Day 57 - A Morning Mantra -
COA-Day 57 - A Morning Mantra - [ 16.62 KiB | Viewed 25896 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:05 pm 

Relationships awaken as do people and societies.
As light penetrates illusion, relationships
are seen for what they are in the light of
greater truth.


Light of the Soul Practice
As light enters a relationship, it purifies it. Though such light may bring greater love and compassion, it may also reveal those hidden places where discord has been concealed. Such revelations change relationships, some expanding in beauty and depth, some requiring a new decision regarding their future.


Day 20, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

Relationships awaken as do people and societies- COA
Relationships awaken as do people and societies- COA [ 41.84 KiB | Viewed 25543 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2016 3:23 pm 

Each relationship is a gift of the Creator.

Like fertile soil in which anything can grow,
each relationship can produce beautiful flowers
or become depleted and produce nothing at all.

Become the gardener of all that you grow.

Day 77, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

COA  77 - pink peony.jpg
COA 77 - pink peony.jpg [ 29.53 KiB | Viewed 25427 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Wed Oct 04, 2017 6:48 pm 

Awakening is like the morning sun that
penetrates the night time darkness.
What was not visible before is now becoming
visible. A new dawn is breaking.

Day 25, Calendar of Awakening
~the One life in the many~

Day 25 COA
Day 25 COA [ 29.47 KiB | Viewed 24186 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Fri Feb 23, 2018 2:08 pm 

In the space of silence, you can meet yourself
most deeply.
Let silence be your companion. Practice silence
and hear the voice of your soul.


Light of the Soul Practice

Practice silence. Let there be a period of time each day in which you do not speak, work, or relate to others.
This period can become a source of nourishment and a time of renewal for your soul.


Day 36, Calendar of Awakening
~the One life in the many~

2018 Day 36 COA
2018 Day 36 COA [ 59.22 KiB | Viewed 23807 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:53 pm 

“Be simple, be open, be free.
This is the state of beyond-mind that
allows each soul to live.”

Day 80, Calendar of Awakening
~ the One life in the many ~

....Be simple Be open-Day 80 – COA
....Be simple Be open-Day 80 – COA [ 21.17 KiB | Viewed 22820 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: CALENDAR OF AWAKENING ~ the One life in the many ~
PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:07 pm 

“Reality is created in every moment by what
you choose to focus on.
Like a laser beam that shines its light brightly
in one spot and allows others to remain invisible,
your inner choice determines what
you will see.”


Light of the Soul Practice

To see life with the eyes of your soul rather than the eyes of your personality,
imagine that you have the choice to respond to life with generosity,
love, and forgiveness in the absence of fear.
Practice this affirmation today:
“Where there is fear, I choose to see with the eyes of love.”

Day 85, Calendar of Awakening
~the One life in the many~
Coming soon to

……. 3 of 3- COA-Day 28 - COA -Cal-Awakening
……. 3 of 3- COA-Day 28 - COA -Cal-Awakening [ 23.53 KiB | Viewed 20936 times ]

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