One Earth Awakening

Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie
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Author:  Meg [ Fri May 15, 2015 7:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

You are not who you believe yourself to be.
You are much vaster and filled with the light of All that Is.
This light is meant to travel with you wherever you go -
to radiate its presence through whatever challenges you may face.
Call upon it.
Breathe it in at times of difficulty.
It is your home.

Author:  Meg [ Thu Aug 13, 2015 8:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

Do you want to know your soul-purpose?
Begin with what you love and what brings you joy.

Joy can be about love, about truth, about meaning, about feeling in right relationship to life. It can arise in relation to people,
but also in relation to ideas, words, goals, and places. Most deeply and of the soul, joy can be about loving God.

Author:  Meg [ Fri Nov 20, 2015 11:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

The divine Breath flows through you and through all things.
Breathe it in consciously, and know that your breath is connecting you with the Source of life.

I am the Breath of God-525x447jpg.jpg
I am the Breath of God-525x447jpg.jpg [ 76.46 KiB | Viewed 15993 times ]

Author:  Meg [ Sat Jan 02, 2016 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

For the new year...

The divine Stream flows everywhere, into everything. It IS everything - divine and holy LOVE.


Beloved Julie- 2015-04-21 19 40 36-350x428.jpg
Beloved Julie- 2015-04-21 19 40 36-350x428.jpg [ 22.75 KiB | Viewed 15927 times ]

Author:  Meg [ Sun Jan 17, 2016 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

by Julie

"The concept of sacrifice based in love shall grow larger within human consciousness so that we seek comfort
and all good things not only for ourselves but for all."


Intimations of the Future-sacrifice based in
Intimations of the Future-sacrifice based in [ 40.8 KiB | Viewed 15859 times ]

Author:  Meg [ Sat Feb 20, 2016 4:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

“There are many forks in the road in which one can choose to accept what life brings, become angry about life's unfairness,
or feel despairing about existing limitations.
Acceptance is the path of trust.
It strives always to feel God's goodness among all the difficulties.”


Acceptance- Path of Trust- Julie - 2014
Acceptance- Path of Trust- Julie - 2014 [ 42.28 KiB | Viewed 15776 times ]

Author:  Meg [ Sat Feb 20, 2016 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

Return to Innocence
a podcast from Julie

“Becoming like a child, trusting, accepting, open, involves the release of fear and a willingness to live in the unknown,
beyond the mind's understanding.
This choice can be made in each moment.”

(Aug. 25, 2013)


Author:  Meg [ Sun Mar 20, 2016 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

Beloved One, you do not always need to seek the known. The stronger you are within, the more you can seek the Unknown.
This is life's adventure - to willingly not know how things will be; to willingly leave the knowing to God.


(Jan. 26, 2013)

Path- Llife's adventure - to willingly not know how things will be- Julie
Path- Llife's adventure - to willingly not know how things will be- Julie [ 86.45 KiB | Viewed 15738 times ]

Author:  Meg [ Wed Apr 27, 2016 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Messages of the Divine Beloved from Julie

"Our power as individuals to assist all is not based on our being a separated individual entity, but on our being an individual point of consciousness within a totality that is seamless. As a result, what we give of our hearts, what we think, feel, or do,
ripples out from us along an invisible network to influence the consciousness of all."

~from "WHAT IS SPIRITUAL ACTIVISM?" by Julie, an article from New Writings (Articles) by Julie
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