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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Apr 03, 2017 8:25 pm 

Each moment requires saying goodbye
to the moment that came before.
This is the nature of a Divine life, becoming
perpetually new.

Day 53, Meditations on Love, Relationships and Letting Go

Photo by PiccoloNamek
CC BY-SA 3.0

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Blue Morning Glory by PiccoloNamek- CC BY-SA 3.0.jpg [ 55.99 KiB | Viewed 9262 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:07 pm 

Meditation on Oneness


A guided meditation to the place that holds the knowledge of who we are.” 8:03"

(April 12, 2017)

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri May 05, 2017 2:44 pm 

“…Guidance from the soul can whisper in your ear or send you to unexpected places if you are aware. The manifestation of your soul's purpose can become more evident to you now if you turn down the volume on outer activity and attend to what is coming to you from your own heart. It is a time for listening, beloved ones, a time for reflecting, a time for going deeper.

You have chosen this path of accelerated growth and healing by virtue of being here at this time, and the door is now open for you to learn in a way that has not been possible before. Let the blessings of the present be with you, then, and not just the difficulties. See, hear, and think about the deeper Source of life that lives within you. Your own deeper self is there to guide you through all difficulties and all decisions if you allow it to.”

Be blessed, beloved ones. Be blessed.
With all love and devotion - Julie and Those Who Serve the Light

* * *

~an excerpt from, “The Light Omega Community Newsletter Special Supplement - No. 14”,
‘The Beginning of Tomorrow’ by Julie of Light Omega.
Please continue reading:

* * *

Please note: To remain aligned with the perspective of global purification and the expansion of light, you may find helpful the Light Omega World Events Newsletter: In addition, the Podcast and Webcast series ( offers discussions of inner steps that may be taken toward oneness and spiritual evolution.

Art by Daniel B. Holeman

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat May 06, 2017 1:36 am 

Meditation on Nothing is Lacking
~a podcast by Julie of Light Omega

Five minute meditation to become centered in the place of wholeness.
May be listened to throughout the day.
(May 3, 2017)

Meditation on Nothing is Lacking
Meditation on Nothing is Lacking [ 36.47 KiB | Viewed 9206 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 1:17 pm 

Each human being is a ray of the Infinite
living within form.
For this reason one may never judge the inner being
of another,
only the actions which that soul performs.

* * *

Day 54, Reflections of Light, The Journey Home

ROL Day 54- Each human being is a ray of the
ROL Day 54- Each human being is a ray of the [ 31.81 KiB | Viewed 9163 times ]
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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:31 am 

“…Love and judgment cannot go together. One excludes the other. To awaken to the Divine in the ordinary we must be free of judgment, free of personalizing responses to us that we ‘do not like’ so that we may see past the ‘doing’ to the soul of the doer.

All true vision takes us to this understanding of the soul-essence of Life and of others.

All true vision liberates us from the illusion of the ‘ordinary’. When it is time, we can allow ourselves to begin to notice things with our hearts, letting the ego slip by and loosen its grip, letting our own soul reach our conscious awareness so that we can see what is really there.

To see what is really there - this is the gift of consciousness to each being - to know that the physical and the spiritual are not separate, but that one flows into the other as God’s eternal Breath breathing Life into life.”
(Jan. 26th, 2009)

* * *

~an excerpt from “The Illusion of the Ordinary” by Julie of Light Omega.
Continue reading:

Illusion of the
Illusion of the [ 35.03 KiB | Viewed 9149 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sun Jul 02, 2017 11:44 am 

“Today, the renewed awareness of our core spiritual self and its connection within a greater Whole is awakening again, and the truth of this deeper identity is being carried on the wings of light into the hearts of people everywhere. Even without a defined or conscious spiritual focus, the new perceptions are the tender buds of a new way of life for the world, conveying to hearts that are open, the increasing importance of love and the sacred nature of life. The experience of the miraculous and of Divine grace operating within time and space will emerge out of these tender buds, entering the heart in progressive stages of unfoldment as the veil between dimensions disappears, and as the Divine Presence that infuses all of life begins to be felt once again. When this happens, humanity will once again reach toward the higher dimensions of light and truth, and people will no longer perceive themselves to be the sole inhabitants of an otherwise empty universe. For the transformation of light will awaken perception, and what will be perceived is the presence of God's life everywhere.”

~ from "INVISIBLE SUNRISE, Chapter 1. The New Energy"
by Julie of Light Omega


Photo by Carlos Perez Couto

A New Energy-Julie Light Omega- photo-
A New Energy-Julie Light Omega- photo- [ 44.02 KiB | Viewed 9069 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:47 pm 

“Courage, beloved one. There is no challenge you face that is not a fulfillment
of the promise you made before taking birth.”

Seeds of Light

This poster is from “The Holiness of Days”, Light Omega Collection.

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Wherever your footsteps take you4-510x485.jpg [ 43.71 KiB | Viewed 9042 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Thu Aug 10, 2017 8:01 pm 

“Dear Beloved Ones,

My heart is full with a desire to convey to you the changes in Divine manifestation that are bringing forward greater light, now, in the presence of that which is still dark and difficult. We tend to refer to Divine blessing as 'grace' or 'light,' yet it is more than that. It is also God's living Presence manifesting more fully upon the Earth. Such Presence can be felt more clearly, now, through your own being, once you look for it behind whatever fear-created thoughts may stand in the way.

Many of us have felt separated from our own Divine being for a long time, and have spent years and lifetimes seeking that which has always been there, yet as if behind a screen or door that we could not see through. It is the awakening of the soul within our embodied life that can now convey to us a new vista, based on the increased light within physical matter, including the physical matter of our own bodies.

Belief counts for a great deal in this pursuit, beloved ones, belief and intention. For if one continues to look only at that which is lacking or frustrating or that which continues to be the source of suffering, one will not see the light of the Presence that is manifesting more fully now, even in the presence of darkness.

Each of us is a world within ourselves, beloved ones, a world of great complexity and great beauty, and so suffering or difficulty can exist at one layer of our being or in one location, while light and hope can be experienced in another.

I urge you to contemplate this, for many have waited long with feelings of disappointment and disillusionment as if things would never change either outwardly or inwardly. For some it is a matter of very difficult external conditions such as the loss of an income or of some other source of security. For others it is a matter of internal conditions such as depression or loneliness that may seem interminable. For each of us, hope arises from knowing that both inner and outer conditions are being affected, now, by greater light, and that our reaching toward this light is of utmost importance…”

~an excerpt from “Turning Toward the New Light”, by Julie of Light Omega from the Light Omega Community Newsletter No. 2, Aug. 10th, 2017.
Continue reading:

Beloved Julie of Light Omega -2016-05-20 08.46.37-400x500.jpg
Beloved Julie of Light Omega -2016-05-20 08.46.37-400x500.jpg [ 19.07 KiB | Viewed 8899 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 2:00 pm 

“We are here to recognize and to celebrate the new, the gift of Divine blessing.
To do this, openness to the possibilities of each moment is needed.
Do not be afraid to leave your mental process behind.
You will not lose something.
You will gain yourself.”

(April 13, 2014)

Julie of Light Omega

Into the moment-Celebrate the new-the gift of Divine blessing-quote-Julie of Light Omega- 4-2014.jpg
Into the moment-Celebrate the new-the gift of Divine blessing-quote-Julie of Light Omega- 4-2014.jpg [ 32.11 KiB | Viewed 8823 times ]

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Sep 04, 2017 11:17 pm 

AUM Conference 2017 - Opening Night
with Julie of Light Omega

* * *

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 Post subject: Re: I Am and You Are One
PostPosted: Mon Sep 18, 2017 11:35 am 

AUM Conference 2017 Closing
with Julie of Light Omega

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