One Earth Awakening

Talks and Meditations by GurujiMa (Julie) podcast series
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Author:  Meg [ Wed Mar 05, 2014 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Divine Flow and Being Fluid

The key to attuning to Divine Flow is surrender. Yet, surrender must become unconditional, taking place in the absence of knowledge concerning why or how things will be. Love and trust are the basis for surrender rather than understanding. (Feb. 23, 2014)

To Listen:

To be notified of future events with Julie including podcasts, videocasts, or other events, or if you would like to remain current with new offerings from Light Omega such as books, calendars, videos, or other teaching materials, we invite you to join the Extended Community Mailing List.

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Author:  Meg [ Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Sacred Relationships-a new podcast by Julie

All relationships are meant to be sacred relationships, an encounter of the soul essence of one with the soul essence of another in love.
(March 9, 2014)

To listen:

To be notified of future events with Julie including podcasts, videocasts, or other events, or if you would like to remain current with new offerings from Light Omega such as books, calendars, videos, or other teaching materials, we invite you to join the Extended Community Mailing List.

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Author:  Meg [ Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Beginning a New Life


The capacity exists to be free of repeating the past when we are able to create a central relationship with God in the present moment. This relationship enables us to shape our identity around the unknown but new possibilities that arise from connecting with Source. (March 30, 2014)

On iTunes: These podcasts are also available in the iTunes Store under Podcasts, Spirituality. There is no charge for them.
Subscribe via iTunes here:

Author:  Meg [ Tue Apr 15, 2014 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Healing Relationships


All relationships in life can be healing relationships. They emerge from a willingness to be present to what is, to see with the eyes of the soul, and to let go of the need to change others according to a predetermined sense of how they should be.
(April 13, 2014)

Author:  Meg [ Mon Apr 28, 2014 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Dear Beloved Ones,

I invite you to listen to this new podcast as it may contain information that is helpful to you in relation to your own body.

Author:  Meg [ Mon May 05, 2014 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

"The Open Moment" - New podcast by Julie

We live, often surrounded by a cloud of anxiety that prevents us from being present to the larger reality we are in. God's intent is not this. It is for each soul to experience Divine freedom - the freedom of the open moment.

Author:  Meg [ Sat May 10, 2014 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Diagnosing Energy-based Symptoms in the Body

Beloved Ones - This is a very short recording (4'36") to help those who may be experiencing persistent symptoms in the body,especially those that may have no known cause. Julie

Author:  Meg [ Mon May 12, 2014 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Transformation and Change

Movements of our soul carry consciousness forward through time, creating learning of who we are and what life is about. Transformation accelerates this process, for here we make a conscious choice to say "yes" to the becoming of our own selves.
(May 11, 2014)


Author:  Meg [ Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

"Joining Together in Light"

Joining together in light involves a commitment to live life as a soul on Earth, freeing oneself of all exclusions
to love that remain within the heart.

(May 25, 2014)

Author:  Meg [ Tue Feb 02, 2016 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

The Sense of Belonging
~a podcast by Julie

The sense of belonging to the unity of life would change everything - from feeling alone in dealing with one's personal dilemmas,
to feeling upheld by and participating in the larger Oneness that is God.
(June 2, 2013)

* * *

Podcasts by Julie are also available in the iTunes Store under Podcasts, Spirituality. There is no charge for them. SUBSCRIBE to "Talks and Meditations by Julie" and receive notice of new podcasts, or DOWNLOAD individual podcasts by using this link:

Author:  Meg [ Sat Apr 30, 2016 12:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

There is Always Another Way
~ a podcast by Julie

“Moving from the mind to the deeper being to deal with life's questions and challenges from a place of rest, out of which truth emerges.”
(April 11, 2016)

Podcasts by Julie are also available in the iTunes Store under Podcasts, Spirituality. There is no charge for them. SUBSCRIBE to "Talks and Meditations by Julie" and receive notice of new podcasts, or DOWNLOAD individual podcasts by using this link:

Author:  Meg [ Mon May 09, 2016 7:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Talks and Meditations by Julie" podcast series

Purification Teachings - The World as Energy - Part 1

Describes the basic concepts of spiritual purification and its reunification of the embodied self
with its deeper being or Divine core.
21:49 min.
(May 8, 2016)


Podcasts by Julie are also available in the iTunes Store under Podcasts, Spirituality. There is no charge for them. SUBSCRIBE to "Talks and Meditations by Julie" and receive notice of new podcasts, or DOWNLOAD individual podcasts by using this link:

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