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 Post subject: Imperfect Love In Egregious Times
PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2018 3:07 pm 

Imperfect Love In Egregious Times

For my heart, the embodiment of perfect love is the ideal which I long for. The reality of my embodying perfect love has not been actualized, yet I will never stop trying. I am human and the energies which are separated from love effect my heart and mind. Even as this is true, until my dying breath, I will, because it is what my soul craves, continue to seek to practice, to the best of my limited abilities, to be as loving as possible.

During the course of my life I have stumbled, fallen, gotten up, stumbled and fallen more times that my ego would like to recall. My soul knows that these experiences of stumbling, falling, and getting up, are important lessons for my mind and heart in learning how to embody the energies of love - to be love.

Embodying love and light is a process. In each new sacred moment we are given opportunities to choose love. As we move forward into ever increasing moments of engaging with energies separated and opposed to love, each of us as embodied souls, are growing, learning, and finding out the truth of who we are in the presence of that which is not love, is not truthful, is not filled with integrity.

The energies of Love and Light manifests through thoughts and actions which are based in dignity, humility, love, respect, and integrity.

We each have the free will to 'choose love'. As the energies separated from love are being expressed more intensely, this choice will seem more difficult to choose.. As the expressions of the energies of darkness increase in audaciousness and power, it will be easier to re-act with knee jerking rage and anger to each articulated outrage. The difficult road - seeking inner guidance, reflection, and asking of the self, "what am I being called to do in this moment?", "how can I meet these energies with integrity?", "what is my truth?", when denser energies are prevalent is open to all souls who seek to find another way to meet denser energies.

What power has love in the presence the myriad forms of darkness which are unfolding? As a fellow seeker and one who is an embodiment of imperfect love I do not hold this answer. I know what is given to me in guidance. I know that we are moving forward into times where that which was once impossible will be possible, I know that darkness in the end, destroys itself as the energies are not sustaining and need to be fed constantly. Although circumstances of what we are going through as a collective of embodied souls is similar to events which have unfolded in our linear embodied history, there are elements infusing the situations we are experiencing which are new. Energies which were once predominately held in secret within hearts and minds are being given platforms to express themselves no matter the consequences of who shall be hurt. Separated energies which speak to the heart and mind are becoming stronger in the presence of cruelty and injustice insisting that one must act in ways of the darkness to conquer the powers of the darkness.

What I have learned through my being with Beloved Julie is that if one aligns with the energies of darkness to fight the darkness, one is still aligning with the energies of darkness. Darkness can never be defeated by darkness

I know in my heart through the teachings of my Beloved Teacher, that love is more powerful that the energies of darkness. Yet with each passing day as energies intensify, my mind though is not always as sure and sometimes prone to aligning with the energies of fear when I witness the energies of darkness unleashed upon the innocent. This is why I speak to the imperfection of my love, for I am still effected by energies of fear which come up within me. My faith even in the presence of my imperfections, will in the end help to perfect my longing to be more loving and trustful in the presence of these energies of fear, until this time, I must wait and strive for that which is my truth.

A powerful spiritual lesson if unfolding as reality for each of us if we choose it - "Love is stronger than the energies of darkness".

This is the third time over the past few days in which I have written a similar post. I assume, as in everything I am guided to do, that there is a reason for these three posts. The reason has not yet unfolded, so I with you Dear Readers, shall wait. What I am aware of is that my soul has called me forth to write what I have written. I have done so. That which is to come is already here energetically, I pray for the strength of each embodied soul on this planet in times of spiritual testing in the presence of the energies of darkness that they may find the courage and strength within to align with that which is of the Light, that which is of Love. I pray that when a soul loses their way, aligning with the separated energies of the darkness, that they may be met with Light, so that they might remember the truth of who they are, that they are in essence, made in the image and likeness of Love and Light.

with love,

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 Post subject: Holding the Light for America - Julie of Light Omega
PostPosted: Wed Jun 27, 2018 7:10 pm 
Holding the Light for America

Julie of Light Omega

Dear Beloved Ones,

We are coming to another July 4th which some of us celebrate as a family outing, and others celebrate in the deep meaning of identifying with America's history, purpose, and founding documents.  At this time, there is a great need for each one who cares about the future of America to hold the light of her purpose in the presence of encroaching darkness that is assuming an influence in many areas of public life.

Holding the light does not involve force.  It does not involve anger.  It does not involve fighting with anyone, for this is not the way of light.  Holding the light involves standing for the principles one believes in and holds most deeply within one's heart, principles that are light-filled and that were part of America's founding.

At the same time, holding the light means recognizing where America has departed from the light of her own ideals, and how even today she is doing so in ways that are new and unexpected, influenced by those energies that would thwart her mission of being a land of love and unity.

It is important at this time to not be discouraged by the appearance of greater darkness, for this manifestation is part of America's purification of the same elements that have been part of her history.  In order to release these historical threads which caused her to separate from her own ideals, she must become conscious that these threads are present, and she must relocate her own heart so that they no longer influence it.

America does this through each one of us who holds her heart, the heart of her founding and of her Divine purpose, within our own heart.   Each one of us has the possibility of remaining faithful to the ideals, generated by love - of equality for all, of freedom and respect for all, of belief in the intrinsic worth of each human being.  Each one of us must become a representative of these ideals, not only in the words we use but in the lives we lead.

If we are involved with antagonism toward others including any person or group, if we act in demeaning or contemptuous ways toward any person or group no matter what their professed point of view, we are departing from the ideal of viewing each embodied being as a Divine creation, here to grow and learn as every other.

The purposes of light require standing for something, not against something.  They require the outflow of love toward all, not reactivity toward those we disagree with.  This does not mean condoning actions that we deem to be harmful, for this is a principle that arises from the moral center of our deepest heart. It does mean understanding that each embodied being is a soul, and that each soul who is here today has chosen to be here during this time of the expansion of light upon the Earth.

On this July 4th, please join us in meditation and prayer at any time of the day that is convenient for you and your loved ones, to pray for the future of America and for her unity in light, and for the manifestation of her Divine purpose. Pray also to not become despairing during this time of increased darkness, for the plan for the Earth is of Divine origin, and that plan which includes the purposes that America shall bring into being, cannot be prevented by the darkness that is now manifesting.

May that which blesses all watch over all, and bring peace to America and to the Earth. 

Julie of Light Omega and Those Who Serve the Light

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 Post subject: Trusting In Divine Provision
PostPosted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 8:11 am 

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THE PURSUIT OF TRUTH is a lovely pocket sized book filled with spiritual upliftment
which can be found at the Light Omega Bookshop:

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 Post subject: Vision: Falter Not, Love, Justice, and Mercy Shall Prevail
PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 10:07 am 

Vision: Falter Not, Love, Justice, and Mercy Shall Prevail

Aggrieved crusaders of enforced piety euphorically rejoice in the establishment of a kingdom in their image and likeness.

The tenets of a loving God forsaken, mercy forsaken, forgiveness forsaken, generosity forsaken, kindness forsaken for those who do not pursue lives of provable regimented piety.

Woe O beloved Nation.

These times shall call upon your soul in service to humanity and the restoration of all Nations.

This passage, pre-ordained, is held in the One from which all souls come. Falter not, for that which is given shall come from through thy heart, the place of loving courage and the home of the ideals of justice and mercy, which shall prevail.

Received July 8, 2018

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 Post subject: I Wish To Feel My Connection
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 6:55 am 

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Streams Of The Divine Mother

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 Post subject: All Are One - Twenty-five Steps Toward Unity
PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2018 7:03 am 

All Are One - Twenty-five Steps Toward Unity 
Julie of Light Omega

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Dearest Beloved Ones,

As we endeavor to put the principle “All Are One” into practice, the embodied self may feel uncertain as to how to do this. The soul knows without any uncertainty that All Are One.  The embodied self, accustomed to a history of separation from Divine consciousness and of self-protection, may feel unsure and even afraid to take steps forward in this regard.

Yet, because we are each souls, created with a Divine core, the truth of unity is not far from us but very near, as near as our own deepest self.  Therefore, we may reach toward it and try to disengage from any fear that may tell us that it is unsafe to believe that All Are One.  This fear is not real.  It is based on an undermining of the truth of love as our essential nature, the essential nature of each embodied soul.

Here, therefore, are some examples for putting into practice the principle of divine Unity: 

With deepest blessings - Julie

Please Note: "All Are One - Twenty-five Steps Toward Unity" may be reprinted with credit given to the source of the writing. These twenty-five steps will soon be a book available on for those who might wish to order it.

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 Post subject: The Courage to be Conscious
PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 4:50 pm 

The Courage to be Conscious

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Dear Beloved Ones,

We selectively pay attention to different things throughout each day, and where our attention goes, so, too, does our sense of the reality we live in.  Thought is not just an internal state.  It is also an environment in which we live, defining our sense of reality. If we are focused on problems which we meet with a sense of anxiety or foreboding, then the milieu in which we live will contain that anxiety and will reflect it back to us. If we choose to be conscious of those aspects of life that need our love and our help in order to heal, then our outer reality will reflect that back to us.  We will see, hear, and feel more opportunities for extending love and healing.  We choose with our intention, and every choice that we make is important.

Today, our world is greatly in need of our attention and our consciousness. We are here to add to the sum total of forces for change that will lead to a more light-filled world, a world in which love can predominate over fear, and in which forces toward unity and collaboration can predominate over forces that seek separation and isolation.  This is true on the national and global level. It is also true for us individually.

However, in order to be conscious in the expanded way that being aware of others involves, and especially in being aware of the suffering of others, we must create an inner space for this to happen.  We must choose it, and where choice involves communication with others, we must have the courage to say what we most deeply hold to be true, even in the face of those who might disagree with us. Such courage is born out of our commitment to be a force for good in the world, not just to wish that the world reflect goodness, but to participate in helping to move the world toward that goodness.

We are well-intentioned. We wish for a more peaceful and loving world. Yet, something prevents us from recognizing our own potential as agents of change, not merely through outer activity, but through our consciousness itself.  Every consciousness affects every other. Every consciousness affects those around itself, more so when the verbal content is also communicated and shared.  This is a view of change that is fundamental to our empowering ourselves to become more conscious.  It is based on the belief that: we matter.

We matter.  Everything we do matters. There is no such thing as being neutral in a world in which everything and everyone is interacting.  Our indifference, unconsciousness, neglect, numbness, sleepiness, and avoidance are all communicated as energies that radiate out from us whether we speak words to this effect or not.  We matter. We are transparent to the network of life of which we are a part.

Today, in particular, as forces of separation, isolation, polarization, and fear of one group toward another are growing stronger, it matters more than ever that we have the courage to be conscious, and the courage to remain aligned with the values of kindness and love that we hold.  For of all that we might be conscious of, that which is being eroded and replaced by fear and hopelessness is the consciousness of the importance of love as it affects our individual and collective life.  In its place, distrust, enmity, and a desire to just take care of ourselves and let others do the same is being brought forward.

Within this milieu, it is more important than ever that we consciously stand for the light that counteracts these forces, and that we care about those who are suffering, whether we know them or not.  It is the time, beloved ones, for each of us to stand firmly in the light of our own deepest truth, and to not give power to forces of self-doubt that tell us that we do not matter or that we do not have enough love to make a difference.

Love is at the core of our being, whether we feel it or not. To stand with those who are suffering, today, is an act of love, and it is part of the movement of expanding light that is currently taking place. Believe in the truth that your deepest heart carries. Carry it forward to those whom you meet during the day, without asking them to reciprocate.  You are a blazing light of consciousness, beloved one, and in your hands and in the hands of the Divine One lies the destiny of the world.

With deepest blessings and gratitude - Julie and Those Who Serve the Light

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 Post subject: With Love
PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 5:30 pm 

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Love is not a matter of having to learn something that one does not know. It is a matter of remembering something that has been covered over or forgotten.

Julie of Light Omega ... urney.html

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 Post subject: Semi-Retreat
PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:04 am 

Hello Dear Readers,

The energies my body has been holding in service to the Light have been very intense and debilitating recently. At times, I feel overwhelmed, striving both not to become engaged with the energies nor numb. As such, I have been on a semi-retreat. For me, this means I have been able to express myself through photos and quotes from Beloved Julie but lack the wherewithal to write.

Until the energies shift, I will be in semi-retreat.

with love,

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 Post subject: Be Kind To Yourself.
PostPosted: Wed Jul 18, 2018 10:09 am 

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Some examples for putting into practice the principle of divine Unity:

"All Are One - Twenty-five Steps Toward Unity" may be reprinted with credit given to the source of the writing. These twenty-five steps will soon be a book available on for those who might wish to order it.

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 Post subject: In The Presence Of Light:: A Witness To Pain and Betrayal
PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2018 10:11 pm 

In The Presence Of Light:: A Witness To Pain and Betrayal
New Visions and Prophecies

Our beloved Mother cries out "I can no longer hold your pain beloved's, you must stop hurting each other."

* * *

Unrestrained force enacted upon the peoples of the nation of the free.

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Those who point the righteous finger of 'bias' are often unaware of their own.

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Ambitious righteous anger tempered by a wily and pious mind.

* * *

Finding a speck in eye of another for ambition, to be 'seen'. A betrayal.

* * *

Anger can take one too far into the fire.

* * *

A time of betrayals. Step mindfully around the ambitious.

* * *

The Infinite from which we all come, gave us freedom to be.
Beware the energies which tell you that you are not free.

* * *

Stars of bright Light shine in the dark night.

* * *

The darkness craves the comfort of death and destruction.
That which is of Light is of life.

* * *

Lo, even as the darkness may seek to desecrate the Light, it can never destroy it.

* * *

Let the Light fill your heart, infuse your cells, and lift up your spirit.

All Prophecies and Visions can be found here:

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 Post subject: The Place Of Truth - Giving Thoughts To God
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 3:44 pm 

The perspective of our soul is the place of truth. We have not known of its presence through many lifetimes, yet its presence is making itself felt in a new way. Today, it represents a voice formerly in the distance that is coming closer, a voice that calls us to become larger and to transcend the limitations that have heretofore have prevailed. Such willingness to transcend limitation forms the foundation for a divinization of our human experience.

Giving Thoughts To God
Julie of Light Omega

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