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 Post subject: New Visions: Awakening Vessels of Light
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:04 pm 

A denial of the will of "We The People".

* * *

The Light never dies.

The Light IS life.

Nothing is hidden in the Light.

* * *

The inner violence of the Punisher expressed through an army of punishers.

Hand fed hatred and violent thoughts emboldens the ordinary to become one with the will of the Punisher.

* * *

A hardened heart can blind a soul to the Light and truth.

* * *

The UNITED divided.

We The People weep.

Land of the free, free no more.

* * *

Listen for voices reflecting integrity.

* * *

After walking in darkness it is difficult for the mind to adjust to the Light.

The heart knows the Light when it perceives it.

* * *

Desecration can only fool one for so long.

In a moment, the heart will know truth and awaken.

The Light is waiting.

* * *

In a time of fiery rhetoric and ideologies, beware of becoming like that which offends thee.

* * *

Original Separation:

The darkness came from the Infinite and to the Infinite it shall return.

* * *


Fractured aspects of dis-embodied energies of desecration seeking expression through embodied consciousness.

* * *

A time coming forward:

The calling forth of inner demons.
Release without identifying.

* * *

Soul Goals:

Transcend that which separates.

Remember Love in the presence of the energies of darkness.

* * *

Awakening Vessels of Light:

Vessels of Light remembering the truth of who they are - Awakening.

* * *

Depository of Sacred Knowledge:

A book of truths exists within your heart.

* * *

Each present moment brings forth another opportunity to choose the potentialities of Light.

* * *

They who feed off your heart, will in the end, desecrate your love.

* * *

Collateral punishment (enforced) upon the whims of the Punishers contempt.

* * *

Tributes paid to be in the presence of the king.

* * *

The mind is meant to co-evaluate the heart's experiences.

* * *

What heart has a king who celebrates inflicting collateral punishment and suffering?

* * *

All shall experience the sting of the Punisher.

* * *

Watch for the Light once covered awaken in courageous hearts.

* * *

A soul never forgets experiences of integrity, as integrity is of a souls nature.

* * *

The Punisher:

Darkness comes upon him and he sees it not.

* * *

The king inflicts punishment, because he has the power to do so.

* * *

Punishers Hidden:

Be wary of the punisher who punishes in secret.

For they will come upon you in the darkest moments of the night.

* * *

Look forward for the day shall come when the reign of kings end.
An epoch closes.

All Blessings.

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 Post subject: In My Meditation The Divine Mother Awakens
PostPosted: Sun Aug 12, 2018 4:10 pm 

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 Post subject: Return From Retreat
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:44 am 
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Hello Dear Readers,

Well, my semi-retreat turned into a full retreat, which is why I have not been posting. These past few weeks have been a time or intense limitations, as well as a time of sacred changes, and a time of blessed gifts including profound insights coming forth.

My experiences with the energies of limitation brought about extensive collective moments in time in which I could not move. There were times thankfully, when these energies were not affecting my clarity, and I was able to write, but did not have the energies needed to take these writings to the next step and post. I would like to share with you Dear Readers a few quotes from my journey through the energies of limitation: "So many things my mind longs to do, and yet the energy 'to do' is not with me. I must wait." "Limitation: The inability for unknown collective moments in divine time to express beauty, gratitude, awe and love."

As difficult as this time was, I am grateful for this Teaching from Guruji-Ma Julie: "To trust in the Divine is to know how to respond to limitation, not to fight with it". I have a tendency when the challenging energies fill me to fight them as they are often debilitating. Truth be told, I have a difficult time surrendering to the experiences of energetic compression and crippling fatigue. I have struggled for years with my mind seeking ways to help my body 'power through' these energetic challenges. During this most recent experience with these energies, there were still moments when mind cried out at the thought of another day of being overwhelmed by dense energies and not being able move for the heaviness of them, yet this crying out was minimal thanks to Guruji-Ma Julie's guidance.

I think the energies have shifted/lifted as I am posting. Yet I do not know from day to day what will be asked of me, so if I am not posting, know that I will be back when the energies recede.

with love,

Guruji-Ma: See next post concerning Julie's sacred name change.

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 Post subject: Sanctifying Holy Purpose - Guruji-Ma
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:53 am 

Sanctifying Holy Purpose - Guruji-Ma

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Guruji = spiritual teacher
Ma = devoted in service to the Divine Mother

Last edited by Johanna on Fri Aug 14, 2020 7:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Divine Unfoldment
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 9:55 am 

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 Post subject: Revelations: The Book of the Days of Guruji-Ma
PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2018 10:36 am 


The Book of the Days of Guruji-Ma

Old inquisitions come forth anew.

Bear with nation. Bear with.

* * *

A time of healing wounds ancient.

* * *

The forlorn weep and wander.

* * *

Pious punishers strike out in fear seeking to protect that which needs no protection, that which is the One Eternal.

* * *

The serpent infects the hearts of the self righteous. The tail now leads the head.

* * *

The laws of mercy convoluted.

* * *

The guilt ridden accuse and torment the innocent seeking to purge darkness within.

* * *

Hearts closed invite darkness as comforter.

* * *

Have mercy on those who have sought the darkness as comforter. Judge them not. Let the compassionate mercy of self awareness and the love in your hearts bring forth healing.

* * *

The healing to come is for all.

All who wander.
All whose hearts have hardened.
All who have remained faithful to the tenets of love.

Let your hearts not be corrupted by hatred and violence.
Let your hearts remain in innocence.
Trust that the Light will heal all wounds, ancient and new.

* * *

Hardened hearts, cruelty, greed, indifference to the suffering of others - these energies and more call forth the energies of darkness. Remember innocence and love are paths through the darkness.

* * *

All sins revealed.

Pain carried through the generations healed.

* * *

The vulnerable tormented by the powerful.

* * *

This land of wheat and honey,
this land of the free,
let no king
tend fires of fear
in your heart or eyes.

* * *

Beware the punisher who claims to punish and torment you to save you.

* * *

If the One whom many call God forces you not to worship or love,
then which man or woman can lay claim to forcing you to love or worship their God?

* * *

Souls freer than the stars descend in Sacred Time.

* * *


Multidimensional realities of sacred consciousness held within the Heart and Consciousness of the One.

Each dimensional reality presents divine potentialities as well as polarities borne of individuated consciousness.

Each embodied and non-embodied soul experience a lesson ultimately of unity.

Each polarity seeking it’s opposite - repelled and attracted from moment to moment, seeking expression, seeking wholeness - holiness.

* * *


A gift of the One for the expressions of all.

* * *


A unifying force for that which has been rejected. A unifying force for that which seeks to be defined through embodied expression.

* * *

All is vibration. All is frequency.

When the consciousness is drawn to the voice of the soul, potentialities will be perceived awaiting within the realms of higher frequencies expressed as love, compassion wisdom, generosity, gratitude, and awe.

* * *

Be wary of souls who would seek to define the boundaries, expressions, and experiences of your conscious life.

* * *

Walk with caution around those souls who would seek to drain you for their want of attention.

* * *

If another embodied soul would harm you, steal from you, seek to control you, punish you, seek to cause a winter of fear in your heart, create for thyself then a boundary of prayer. Pray that such a soul may remember their heart, remember the truth of who they are - sons and daughters of the Infinite - sons and daughters of love.

* * *

The energies of desecration of innocence runs rampant upon the body of the Earth.

* * *

Raging waters. fires, pestilences, quaking’s, greed, hatred, indifference, cruelty, and abuse of trust and power. Energies when faced consciously with an innocent and inner guided heart can bring healing.

* * *

Expressions of the Divine Mother:

The many colours of the Mother expressed so that the windows of the soul might perceive them.

Open your hearts so that the soul may see, so that the soul may be.

* * *

Keep the burning jewels of frankincense and myrrh near you.

* * *

Receive the teachings of life into your heart trusting the teachings being brought to you in each moment are for your healing.

* * *


Trust that if you ask within, you will be inner guided.

* * *

Purify your heart so that your spirit may burn as a guiding light in times of darkness and despair.

* * *

Worry not that you do not know who you are or how to be.

Give your heart permission to experience beauty, let no embodied soul take this blessed gift from you.

The beauty you seek is anchored within.

* * *

Every moment is ripe with potentialities for awakening to the truth of who you are - no matter how constricting the limitations.

* * *

Mother of Light Embodied.

The Sacred Flower of Light comes forth. Guruji-Ma - Mother of Light embodied.

* * *

Soldiers of time - lay down your swords.

* * *

Unity is the bane of the Punisher.

* * *

The decrees of the barren of compassion welcomed by predators and worshipers of intolerance and punishments.

The iron fist tastes the sweet power of the adulation of the naive, the sanctimonious, the self-serving, and the fearful.

* * *

When you observe your planetary brothers and sisters cowering in fear, know that they who have bent them in fear, shall too seek thee.

* * *

All manner of cruelties freely expressed by the many fists of the Punisher.

The sickness of kings brings sorrow and woes, dishonors, and desecrations.

* * *

In Thy Haste:

In thy haste peace is desecrated.

In thy haste fears bloom.

In thy haste fires burn where peaceful waters should flow.

In thy haste the heart is troubled, thy mind frets, the song of thy soul is unheard.

* * *

For it is the Light which beckons me:

When the Light beckons I speak.

When the Light beckons I bring forth prophecies.

When the Light beckons I listen.

If we live in a time of hell, then we are being asked to remember the ways of love.

* * *

The Painful Surrender.

In service to the One, there is the longing of the will and times of waiting which can manifest as limitation.

Oft times the mind will say ‘yes!’ and the body, for which all energies of Divine Manifestation flows through, says ‘wait!’.

One must wait until bothe the will (mind), and the heart are in accordance.

The waiting can be painful for the mind and the heart which longs for unified manifestation.

* * *

Rising For Redemption.

Oft times it is difficult to remember the soul sickness you are perceiving is rising for redemption.

* * *

The downfall of kings.

The downfall of kings brought forth by arrogance, hubris, and manipulations of justice

* * *

The Divine Mother’s Voice can be heard in the songs of the whales to the thunder of the skies.

* * *

To Love One Another:

Assume. Assume. Assume.


To love one another.

* * *

Yea, even the heavens shall scream.

The screams of the suffering shall be redeemed by the breath of God.

* * *

What shall you see?

What shall I see as I awaken to the Light?

What reality shall ask me to be one with it?

* * *

Who seeks to define your reality?

* * *

Purity of Heart

Purity of Heart
is how
of nights.

Bear With.

* * *

In this Reality?

It takes a lot of trust to live from a pure heart.

Yea, bear with.

* * *

A justice to come forth which cannot remember.

Hidden truths revealed.

links updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:50 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: It Is Time To Heal The Wounds Of The Past
PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:26 am 

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In this time of great conflict and division
between one group and another.
between one belief and another,
and between one view of government
and another,
it becomes incumbent upon those
who care for the needs of the whole
to disengage from forces that would
create further division,
and instead cling to the principles
of compassion and unity.

We may have difficult locating those
principles within ourselves because of
feeling offended by another's point of view.
We may feel that the are
irreconcilable differences.
If we truly believe this,
we give power to those forces
that would divide America into pieces
so that it cannot come together
as the sacred whole it is meant to be.
It cannot unify under one banner --
the banner of Divine love and trust.

If we hold to this view,
we empower energies of separation
to seek further inroads into our minds
and decisions,
rather than besting these on deeper truth
that live within us.
Instead, we must view all persons
as more than their beliefs,
as souls created by the one Creator of All,
and in this light must disengage from
contempt, disrespect, or derision,
no matter how much we disagree.

We must choose to represent a higher
principle in which all are seen as
children of the Divine, coming from
the same sacred Source as ourselves.
As such, all must be accorded respect,
no matter what their beliefs.
When we do this, we prevent the energy
of separation from gaining a foothold
within our minds and bodies,
and remain attached to the values of the heart
that are deepest within us.

We are a sacred world, a sacred nation,
we are meant to live together as one.

Let compassion be our guide, the,
allowing us to see past faulty thinking
to the inner core of each souls that remains.
Being guided in this way,
we uplift not only the level of discourse
as decisions are made that affect us.
We uplift the world as well.

Irreconcilable Differences
Poems for the New Earth
Guruji-Ma Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: Moving 'Through' Experiences of Suffering
PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2018 9:01 am 
Moving 'Through' Experiences of Suffering

"There are energies that human beings carry that can be very potent, that also create what looks like an impasse, energies that are taken on for personal learning and for service to all. Anyone who is listening to my words can think about what the balance might be between the two within themselves, the balance of what one has taken on for personal learning and what one has taken on in order to serve the Earth. Yet, even in the presence of energies that create negative thought patterns, negative emotional patterns, or negative physical patterns – even in the presence of these, we have the possibility of creating a new entry point into the whole constellation of what is possible, not through a direct assault or through a direct challenge of the will against opposing forces, but through seeing what is possible; by acknowledging that something is gripping us but nevertheless continuing to seek what is possible in terms of changing attitudes." 

There Are No Impasses – Talk at Light Omega, Aug. 12, 2018
by Guruji-Ma Julie of Light Omega ... asses.html

Hello Dear Readers,

In any given moment, with effort and forbearance, once can choose to trust 'that a way through' in the presence of suffering and limitations is possible without leaving the truth of the reality being experienced.

It has taken me years of embodied life experiences and years of learning, sitting with Beloved Guruji-Ma Julie to come to knowing this as truth. Energies on the spectrum of anxiety which often accompany a challenging life are still present. Even as this is true, Guruji-Ma Julie has taught me as I moved (and move) through each challenge, each experience of suffering, that 'another way is possible' and that 'a way through' is possible.

For me, believing that 'another way is possible', means that in the presence of hardships, limitations, and challenges, I can choose in any given moment to hold in my heart, and in the presence of anxious emotional energies entering my mind and body, to hold a consciousness which allows that in time, the energies will pass, and that if I wait, if I trust, if I pray, and if I keep asking for guidance, an answer will come - a way through will manifest. The timing of the 'way through' is out of my hands as well as the answer. Waiting in time will provide both the answer and the way through. Patience and humility are essential to this sacred process.

However deep, however profound your suffering is it is my prayer that you will Dear Reader, give yourself the gift of trusting that you are not alone, that 'another way is possible', and a 'way through' your suffering and limitations is possible.

with love,
one who walks thru the dark night in service to the Light,

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Waiting is a passage, a passage of hope, of trust, and of endurance, that must often be gone through so that change can take place.

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 Post subject: Witnessing the Desecration of the Innocent
PostPosted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:18 am 
Witnessing the Desecration of the Innocent

The desecration of innocents in this case children, seems to be horribly and woefully commonplace. Over the years we who share this planet together have watched, have witnessed, in my case since the Vietnam war, seeing on the nightly news and in newspapers, the horrible and horror filled treatment of civilians and most especially their children. I have watched children being killed and imprisoned for throwing stones at soldiers in tanks. I have witnessed cruel entities in the guise of religious leaders sexually abuse children, hide the abuse, and allow the perpetrators to re-abuse for years on end. I have witnessed in the guise of religious leaders the training of children to be suicide bombers and soldiers of war. I have witnessed the theft of children often girls by adults treating them as sex slaves and in some cases, forcing them to marry. I have witnessed the rape of young girls and then their horrible murders to cover the crime. I have witnessed adults who use and force children to be suicide bombers. I have witnessed children being sold as sex slaves. I have witnessed children suffering immeasurable poverty. I have witnessed and read about the targeted slaughter of children in schools, child-care centers, hospitals, in holy places of worship, and on buses. I have seen the photos and read of the slaughter and imprisonment of children in death camps.I have witnessed the bodies of dead children who have drowned seeking safety from war and crippling poverty. I have witnessed adults shooting children, killing them and claiming just cause. And now I am a witness to twelve thousand plus children being held indefinitely in detainment camps with the leader of justice informing judges to curtail emotions which involve compassion and mercy.

This desecration of innocence, in many cases centuries long in practice, and in other cases new in its approaches, is a sign to me of a planetary wide soul sickness. A complicity with the energies off darkness. I mourn deeply for that which I am called to witness, powerless, and in prayer, for the suffering children, the suffering of tender innocents which I cannot even begin to fathom in regards to each child's pain and horror.

All Blessings,
with love,

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 Post subject: The Suffering Doesn't End When The News Stories Stop
PostPosted: Mon Sep 17, 2018 8:03 am 
The Suffering Doesn't End When The News Stories Stop

The suffering of those who are in the paths of fire, rain, wind, and mudslides, to name just a few of the climate related disasters millions now are affected by, does not end when the news stops carrying the stories of the devastation. Lives are lost not only through death, lives once lived are lost, daily hardships unfathomable to the comfortable out of harms way can go on for years and years. The vulnerable who were just getting by are the most exposed. Rebuilding and facing losses of that which was precious is personal and cannot be accurately described, nor the endurance needed each day to move forward

Prayers for the suffering. Prayers for strength, for endurance, for the will to rebuild in safe habitats. Prayers for the leaders who have the means to curb the worst of climate related suffering. Prayers for those with billions they will never fully spend, may their hearts and wallets open generously to those who are suffering.

with love,

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 Post subject: The Mission of the Christ and Energy of the Divine Mother
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:27 pm 

The Mission of the Christ and the Energy of the Divine Mother

Guruji-Ma Julie of Light Omega

The universal mission of the Christ is undertaken
in order to nullify the effect of forces of darkness
upon the expansion of light.
The energy of the Divine Mother brings about
the unification of all within All.

What comes to us as light of the Highest has the capacity to transform energies of darkness and separation within the realm of duality, the realm of physical life.  This is the light of the Christ, and it is capable of dissolving all darkness in the highest light. Such embodied light has been given to the Earth at this time in order to make possible the transformation of physical matter that has contained embedded energies of darkness — energies that in former times were intractable to the transformative power of light.  Now, in this time, the light of the Christ, present in embodied form, brings forth a vibration of sufficient potency to allow the Earth's physical and energy bodies to free themselves of what they have carried for a very long time. When this happens and to the degree that it happens, all who inhabit the Earth, both plants, animals, and human beings, are also transformed, since the body of the Earth includes all.
The Divine Plan for the Earth has made it possible for the light of the Highest to enter the realm of duality and to transform energies of separation in this way so that the Earth can move forward in its sanctified purpose of becoming a planet of light.  However, this is not all that is needed in order to complete the planetary shift.   In addition to the transformation of darkness, the awakening of the light of Unity and of Love that comes through the embodied energy of the Divine Mother must be brought into consciousness so that the Oneness that is All can become a perceived experience within the realm of the physical. 
Such an experience comes through the Earth as the living Presence of the Divine, and is given to all creatures and to all of humanity so that the vibrational knowledge that supports the new consciousness can exist within the physical body.  It is part of the Divine Plan for the Earth that the knowledge of Oneness coming through the energy of the Divine Mother that is the Being of the Earth, shall join with the light of the Christ that transforms energies of separation so that a unity of wholeness can be established upon the Earth for all beings.  Such a Unity in consciousness and in vibration has been Divine intention since the beginning of time, and it is the joining of the energy of the Christ with the energy of God as Mother that shall bring this about.
There are many devoted souls who have contributed to this Plan, many who have come here specifically for this purpose, some aligning more with one part of this mission and some more with the other. It is the cumulative work of all who have participated in the Divine Plan for the Earth that is now making possible the fulfillment of what has been known and intended from the beginning. Today we are witnessing the accomplishment of God's Plan for the holy Earth.
May all of life be blessed by this movement into greater wholeness. May all who have contributed to its accomplishment be blessed.

The Mission of the Christ and the Energy of the Divine Mother ... other.html

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 Post subject: The Mission of the Christ and Energy of the Divine Mother
PostPosted: Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:38 pm 

The Mission of the Christ and the Energy of the Divine Mother
Part 2 - Those Who Serve

Guruji-Ma Julie of Light Omega

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The universal mission of the Christ is undertaken in order to nullify the effect of forces of darkness upon the expansion of light.  The energy of the Divine Mother brings about the unification of All within All.  Both energies must come together in order to accomplish the transformation of the Earth into its next stage of evolution, namely, the vibration of love and unity.
Some souls are more part of one mission than the other.  Some have come with particular sensitivities to energies of darkness which they take into their own energy bodies, often during the process of incarnation, so that within their own embodied lives they may help the great work of planetary transformation through a portion of that transformation within their own body.  Energy that is held within an individual energy body is transformed not through an act of will or force, but through the interaction of darkness with light.  Even when such a soul does not feel or perceive the light they are carrying, the dark energies, held within the energy body, interact with the intent and capacity to remain faithful to the light.
Such intent characterizes many souls who struggle with energies of darkness on physical, mental, and emotional levels.  These souls often perceive the struggle to be all of who they are.  Yet, in the presence of that struggle and at its foundation is a strength of soul that has agreed, on a soul level, to interact with energies of darkness by remaining faithful to light.  Such an interface effectively transforms whatever current is held within the energy body.  However, since that current is often connected to an entire dimensional frequency in which such an energy operates, a soul who is in service in this way often does not feel that they are accomplishing anything.  Rather, that the darkness remains.
This is never true.  The impact of light on darkness is transformative since light is inherently stronger than darkness.  Though the overall effect of this change may not be witnessed by an individual experiencing the darker energies, it is the willingness to act as an embodied 'interface' between the two energy fields that provides the point of embodied contact so that energies on the Earth plane, as a whole, may be transformed.
Souls who take on energies of darkness often do not remain conscious of their path of service, believing themselves to be weak rather than strong, and vulnerable rather than purposeful.  It is only after light and the effect of light has manifested to a sufficient degree of intensity, that an individual soul may feel the greatness of their accomplishment.
In relation to the Earth as a whole, souls in service to the mission of the Christ often feel very small with respect to the job that needs to be done.  Yet, because the individual being is at all times connected with the greater planetary body, and even with the universe as a whole, there is no nullification of darkness on an individual level that does not have an effect on the larger whole of which each individual is a part.
With respect to the energy of the Divine Mother, this is the energy of universal love and oneness that exists within the deepest heart of all.  Because it is often covered over by energies of darkness, love becomes restricted, energies of fear and self-protection often gaining dominance within a given life, rather than motivations toward generosity and unity with all.
Nevertheless, it is toward the Divine Mother and her purposes that humanity as a whole is moving.  For the activation of the Divine essence within each human being is well under way at this time, and such an activation allows the soul to communicate more fully with the embodied awareness what it has always known and been as a part of the Oneness.  It is not the soul that needs to be activated, for the soul of each one is eternally in a state of connection with truth, being a part of that truth itself.  It is the connection with the embodied self that must strengthen, so that an embodied being knows itself to rest upon a secure foundation of Divine being and Divine love.  Such interior knowledge, then, gives rise to the capacity to love self and others with greater freedom and authenticity.
The Divine Mother is All in All.  There is no soul that is an exception to this, no matter what their outer presentation or actions.  Those who are in service to the Divine Mother come from many different spiritual traditions and backgrounds.  Yet, within the heart of each one is a vision and knowing of the possibility of living as an embodied being in a state of love and oneness.  It is this embodied life of the soul, expressed within the human dimension, that those in service to the Divine Mother seek, both for themselves as an experience of Divine union, and for humanity as a whole.
May all who serve the Divine missions of the Christ and of the Divine Mother be blessed, for their work has transformed the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental layers of the Earth's energy body, affecting all beings everywhere.

The Mission of the Christ and the Energy of the Divine Mother
Part 2 - Those Who Serve ... Serve.html

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