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 Post subject: Remembering The Way of Love
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:38 am 

Dear Beloved Ones,

There is an energy covering this land with increasing effect that masks itself in principle while at the same time removing itself from the true values of the heart.  While seeming to advocate moral uprightness and concern for others, this energy is actually lacking in love and in all the qualities that derive from love such as kindness, gentleness, tolerance, and compassion. This energy influences our collective and individual consciousness so that we no longer remember the place in our hearts to return to when difficult events or circumstances are happening.  We forget the place of love and trust that is intrinsic to our deeper nature, and become susceptible to the false energy that uses convincing words to create the impression that it has our best interests at heart.

This energy is an energy of desecration. It removes us from remembrance of the sacred out of which love derives, for love, in all its many aspects, embraces the sacredness of life and of the beloved.  It cannot act against itself because its nature is blessing and its hope is to give to the beloved.  The energy of desecration wipes our memory of love as a viable possibility.  It is not that we do not remember the word love. It is that we no longer think of it as a valid means to live life and a valid foundation from which to act.  The energy of desecration causes us to feel that only the more violent emotions of anger, despair, and fear are reasonable reactions to events that surround us, and some of us are more vulnerable to one of these emotions, some to another.

The energy of desecration prevents us from remembering that the way of love is a force in the world that can change consciousness, and by changing consciousness, can change all the events that arise from an inner motivational place that we would wish to eradicate.  The energy of desecration causes us to believe that only strength and force can change things.  It causes us to believe that fear of what can happen to us without strengthening our capacity to use more force is the only viable reality.

We, who are participating in this time in history, have come here to do exactly that - to participate through our response to the events that surround us, events that are often difficult and upsetting to the heart because they are the opposite of the way we wish for human beings to behave toward each other.  Nevertheless, we have come here to take part in and to bear witness to this time of difficulty, which is also a time of transition for this country and for the Earth as a whole,  and how we do this depends upon what we believe.

If we believe that outer events determine how we must react, then we fall prey to the influence of energies that are sweeping this land that would propel us further into fear, hopelessness, division, and anger.  If, however, we hold true to the place of light and love within us, if we believe that there is a place to stand within ourselves other than fear, anger, or despair, then, aligned with the power of our own soul, we become a force for change in the world, a force that will ultimately bring about a change in values so that the values of the heart can be expressed as the values of government and its leaders, and the values of this nation as a whole.

To do this, we must plant ourselves firmly in our hearts and remember the sacred.  We must remember love.  Often, when emotions run high and fear seems to be the only reasonable response to external events, we forget.  We do not intend to forget, but we are overcome by the emotions being generated that are not love.

Let us, in this moment, recommit ourselves to remembering and to remaining faithful to our belief in love as a positive force for change.  For what we change when we do this is not initially the beliefs of others, but the access to their hearts from which these beliefs come.  By remaining true to the principle of light within our deeper heart and soul which is the principle of love, we become agents of change for a world greatly in need of hope and a positive vision of the future.  May this be our commitment and our promise to ourselves and to others, then, to remain faithful to love and to believe in its potential for restoring the sacred to our lives.

With all blessings - Julie of Light Omega

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 Post subject: It Only Takes ONE To Love
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:44 am 

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It Takes One to Love_Not Two_ Sacred Relationships_Respect_LightOmega.jpg [ 156.63 KiB | Viewed 1240 times ]

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 Post subject: Validating the Subtle Whispers of the Soul
PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 11:57 am 


The awareness of your deeper self communicating with your conscious mind in order to create a message for you that will lead you in a positive direction of growth.

'Validation' as a Spiritual Concept
19:44"  (Oct. 28, 2018)

The importance of validating the subtle whispers of the soul to the embodied self that deliver messages of guidance in the direction of growth cannot be overstated. Many experience these Divine whispers, yet the temptation may exist to not validate them and to turn away from them as if they are not perceived as real.

LISTEN: ... oncept.mp3


The movement from the smaller self to the larger self that no longer clings to insufficiency and that has the courage to be unique in the eyes of God. A unique soul.

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 Post subject: The Frequency Of The Earth Changes.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 3:53 pm 

The Frequency Of The Earth Changes.

These sacred words came to me in response to a question my heart asked in prayer.

Souls who are in darkness are the farthest away in frequency from the One. From the Divine Source of all that is.

That is why these souls who are the farthest away from the Light - Infinite Light - are able to commit acts of darkness.

Each time the One comes, the frequency of the Earth changes.

This particular frequency change is to bring into a state of wholeness - unity, that which was vibrating at a lower frequency. Bringing into wholeness - unity, that which was separated from the One Light, the One Love, the Source of all that is, the Infinite.

As the frequency changes everything - past, present, future, all dimensional realities, begin to vibrate at a higher frequency. The Earth has begun vibrating at a higher frequency, the animals, plants, trees, rocks, all matter of living beings, have begun to vibrate a higher frequency. The embodied souls which are a part of the Earth's Divine eco-system, are collectively, beginning to vibrate at a higher frequency.

We, all who have been, and are, are moving forward into and are simeoultanously within this frequency change.

The energies of density, of darkness are aware of the changing frequency field even whilst embodied souls are, for the most part, unaware, asleep consciously to the changing frequencies.

As the frequencies become stronger - for the energies of Love, of Light, of the Infinite are expansionary, many souls will awaken from their state of sleeping consciousness and they will remember Love.

When the frequency of the Earth has culminated and it is radiating greater Light and Love, so too will all of its inhabitants.

This is what is coming forward no matter the temporary hindrances and distractions of the energies of darkness and those souls who choose to express the denser energies separated from Love and Light.

All Blessings.

with love,

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 Post subject: Holding Love In Darkness - Guruji-Ma
PostPosted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:04 pm 
Holding Love in Darkness


Dear Beloved Ones,

In the wake of the tragic mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, followed by last week’s shooting at a yoga studio, and last night's violence in Thousand Oaks, California, we are called to our deepest hearts to examine what we believe about the time we are living in.

When we receive blessed gifts from the universe it is easier to believe in a Divine reality that holds all. When suffering increases and events of extreme violence take place one after the other, it calls upon our deepest trust to find trust in the benevolent heart of the One that holds the universe in itself, and desires only love and peace for the children of the Earth.

We live in a time of fear when we must consciously and deliberately choose love over all else.  We live in a time of disillusionment when we must consciously and deliberately choose hope over all else. We live in a time of dissension, conflict, and polarization, when we must consciously and deliberately choose to believe in the goodness that forms the core of each human heart because of its connection with the soul.  We need to believe in the common humanity of man.

Our hearts are supported when we understand that this upsurge of darkness that we see occurring around us is part of a great upheaval that the world is going through and the U.S. in particular is going through. This upheaval involves the rooting out of patterns of motivation that have led to violence and the capacity for a disregard of the humanity of each other.  The purpose of this upheaval is so that we may become free of these patterns, conscious of what has lived within us and ready to change our values. This is the cause of the darkness in our present collective life. It is purification on a global level, activated by spiritual light that is doing its work.

Such an understanding of course does not console the ones who have just lost family members or friends in Pittsburgh or in Thousand Oaks.  Nor does it console our own grieving hearts that simply wants shooting to stop and to live in a world of peace and harmony. We are, as a collective humanity, crying out with one voice, accompanied by the voice of the suffering and grieving Earth, for killing to stop and for the life of each one to be treated as sacred.

We are serving this goal, beloved ones, by longing for it. In this sense, our grief is not wasted.  Our longing is calling into being that force of love and unity that is part of the God-Force we call 'Mother' to come to aid suffering humanity and the suffering Earth so that the violence may end. This is not just violence toward human beings, but toward the Earth itself.  And we know as we cry out, that there are other examples of violence that we do not know about because they are not given space in our news media.

In this time of increasing darkness, we call out through longing and through prayer, and we commit ourselves even more deeply than we have to being a source of love in the world, a source that will counteract the darkness.  We may not believe in the effectiveness of this wholeheartedly. We may believe in love but not in its power. And so we must again dig deeper into the roots of our consciousness that live in our soul to know that the universe of Divine creation is made of love, is built on love, is founded in love.  That aberrations are now occurring is a result of human beings having lived for so long with a sense of aloneness and a lack of a feeling of safety.  Out of this history, come the movements toward violence that we see today - the terrible, tragic, unfathomable expressions of souls who have separated or been separated from their own heart's truth.

In the face of this, let us not separate from our own truth.  Let us cling to love as if to a life preserver in a stormy sea.  Let us cling with all our might to the belief in love's effectiveness to change the minds and hearts that have lost touch with it.

Dearest beloved ones, become a force of love in your own life so that you may serve the change you desire in the world.  Become that love that you wish the world to manifest.

In this time of grief and sorrow over the recent losses of innocents whose lives were taken when they thought they were safe,  we pray that all may live in safety and in a world that is not based on fear. May we each bring that time into being through our own heart's commitment to love, for ourselves, our loved ones, and for the world.

Light Omega Community Newsletter, No. 41

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 Post subject: Prayers for the Suffering
PostPosted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 8:47 am 

Pray for the children who grow up in a world
where death is at the doorstep.

Pray for the families who build their lives and
homes with hope in mind, only to be uprooted.

Pray for those whose lives have been overturned,
who do not know where to live or how to live.

Guruji-Ma (Julie) of Light Omega

So many souls are leaving the Earth in traumatic ways. Although not new, the intensity of sudden leavings and the sorrow's accompanying their leavings has increased in scope and horror. Love calls upon souls who remain, and even more so those souls who perceive their sufferings deeply, to pray and hold each soul and soul groups as they leave and as they enter into the realms of Light.

All blessings to those who have passed and to those who sufferings includes the loss of everything they knew which once gave them definition of a life which held them safe and secure and with the memories of love.

With love and in prayer,

What is the 'principle of light' that may be applied to pain?  It is this: That a 'way through' can be found in the presence of any level of difficulty.  This does not mean that the difficulty itself will disappear, only that if one asks, if one reaches, the means will be given to get through it emotionally, physically, mentally, or spiritually.  This premise is based on the assumption of Divine goodness inherent in the soul nature of every living human being. 

Because we live on the Earth, because we live in bodies, the soul that inhabits these physical expressions can provide the 'way of light' through any seemingly insurmountable challenge.

God's love is present in this interpretation of reality, although some might think that the obliteration of pain itself would be a far greater expression of love.  Nevertheless, that outcome can only become possible through the circumstance of spiritual evolution creating a point at which pain as a teacher is no longer needed.  Before that, it cannot simply be 'done away with.'  Yet, in the presence of challenge, in the presence of pain, God's love expressed as the 'light of the soul' can shine through.

Guruji-Ma (Julie) of Light Omega ... -Pain.html

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 Post subject: Spiritual Nourishment
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:14 pm 
Spiritual Anchoring is Required
Received by Mashubi - November 14, 2018
World Blessings Sacred Letters #46

Dearest Beloveds,

A new infusion of quantum levels of spiritual light has occurred on the Earth, which is catalyzing larger and more intense purging of old energies from the core of the planet.

This is also creating a more extreme process of purification for individuals, groups, nations and all embodied life on the Earth. Even the animal kingdom is being affected by the light which is opening consciousness, and also creating changes in their evolutionary patterns and structures.

Beloved ones, many individuals and groups are experiencing crises of small or large proportions, bringing one to the limits of what is felt to be tolerable. The suffering on the human and embodied levels is so great, and many are succumbing to despair as a result.

At this time, the oppositional energy forces which are arising in response to the greater light, are having a stronger impact on the mental, emotional and astral levels of individuals and groups.

This can manifest in a number of ways, some of which may sound familiar to those with backgrounds in psychology, but there are actually affecting large numbers of people, not just those who have psychological vulnerabilities.

Some of these manifestations may include:

• Sudden experiences of frightening, fearful or violent thoughts or images, even while one is meditating or otherwise peaceful
• Stabbing body pains or sensations
• Upsurges of grief, anger, fear, despair, or hopelessness
• Impulses towards reckless, risky or negative behavior
• Temporarily leaving one's conscious awareness, feeling oneself taken into another place where one is not in control of thoughts or behaviors

Beloved ones, these experiences may be alarming if you do not have access to your inner wisdom.

The solution is already within you dearest beloveds. Your inner being is love, and as such is free, sovereign and holy.

While your embodied human self may be suffering with your own process of purification, and the energies of global purification, your soul and larger Being stand ready, willing and able to assist you in stabilizing your daily experience.

At this time beloved ones, spiritual anchoring in your inner being is no longer an optional aspect of daily life on Earth. Is is a necessary requirement to stay grounded, at peace and in connection with your true heart flame of Oneness.

Read the entire message here: ... quired.cfm

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 Post subject: Waiting Until The Energies Pass
PostPosted: Fri Nov 16, 2018 1:19 pm 

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Wait Until The Energies Pass_JohannaRaphael.jpg [ 53.04 KiB | Viewed 1139 times ]

Hello Dear Readers,

The energies I spoke of recently* continue to build in intensity. As a result, I feel I am being called to wait and discontinue posting until the intensity of these energies pass. I am not sure of when the intensity of these energies will pass, I can only wait in faithfulness knowing that the Light will in time, absorb the intensity of these releasing energies.

with love,

*The Increasing Intensity of the Energies of Darkness

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 Post subject: Out Of The Silence
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:11 pm 

Out Of The Silence

Out of the silence and times of enduring difficult energies, these guidance have come forth.

A shift in the difficult energies has emerged to not only bring forth these guidances, but the energies needed to post them.

This shift is unexpected, graciously received, and I have no thoughts as to how long it will last.

In service to Love I share the following guidances with you Dear Readers.

with love, and in Love,

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 Post subject: Shared Reality of Love - Prophetic Guidances
PostPosted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 4:25 pm 

Shared Reality

Shared Reality can be found in the realms of the heart.

Love is what anchors each of us.

Love is what unites us.

* * *

If an energy (consciousness) is being generated with the intention to diminish or divide then the energy is not of the Light.

* * *

Reality Bending

When the experience of total dominance of reality will only suffice.

* * *

Reality of Love

From Love we have come forth.
Love is the the womb of reality in which we (embodied souls) live.
Love is the reality embodied souls are made in the image and likeness of.
Love is the reality souls strive to 'know' embodied.
Love is the unifying force from which all life comes forth.

The radiating energies of love need no generation for Love IS, and all other states of reality must be generated.

Love is our (souls) original state of beingness. We leave the reality of Love when we, through free-will, choose to act and think from a state of not Love.

* * *

To find truth in a time of collapsing paradigms and the generating of distorted 'framed' realities, a soul has the choice, through free will, to perceive their reality through the eyes of Love.

* * *

All Realities Are Held In Love

Those who would seek to define the reality of all embodied souls in service to power, can only 'generate' alternate realities separated from Love. Each soul is given through its creation, the free will choice as to which reality the embodied soul will align its consciousness with.

This journey of the embodied soul, 'to choose', in an embodied state, to love or not love, has been the core of all realities unfolding over millennia.

Now, in this present unfolding of collective reality, technologies have taken embodied souls to a more complex experience of discerning what is reality, and what is truth.

If an embodied soul is able to anchor in a reality of Love, then the soul will over time, develop the skills - embodied, to discern that which is of Love and that which is of energies generated to separate the soul from a consciousness of Love, of Light, of holy Life.

* * *

Love Radiates

Love radiates. That which is separated from Love generates.

A generated reality by its very nature must be 'fed'. Stimulated emotionalism, irrationality, fear, and a myriad of prejudices 'feed' and uphold the illusions created by generated realities.

A reality of Love needs no generating force for Love IS. Love is the very fabric of reality. The reality of Love radiates, uplifts, infuses, and enlightens infinitely.

* * *

The Body Of The Mother

The Body of the Mother, our Beloved Earth is being readied and is near completion of Her Transformation into a Light Body.

That which is separated from Love, releases from Her Body, eons of separated energies have been and are, releasing.

As the separated energies release, the Light, and souls in service to Love, absorb and contain, the releasing energies,

There are those in service to the One, the Body of the Mother, and humanity who are here to contain these releasing energies, a process of transformation/redemption anchored in Love.

In time, as greater amounts of embodied souls participate in the containment of the energies releasing which are separated from Love, the impact on individual souls will lessen.

The Body of the Mother, Planet Earth, can no longer lovingly contain these separated energies for Her sacred mission is to radiate in fullness, the Light of the One, the Light of the Infinite.

* * *

As We Move Forward

As we move forward energies which are separated from Love, from Light, will seek through the bending of reality (framing, creating, generating) in service to power, to further alienate souls from each other and from the truth of who they are.

When an embodied soul is actively bending, framing, or generating a distorted reality, it will be incumbent upon embodied souls witnessing these distortions to go within, to anchor in Love, and then to look out towards the reality being generated and to choose whether they will participate or align with the reality being generated, which seeks to diminish and separate or, whether to choose to align with a reality of Love, held within the radiating energies of Light, truth, unity, compassion, and empathy.

One who generates a reality of separation cannot call forth the energies of Love.

These souls can generate a reality of superficial love separated from Divine Love by feeding off of the generation of energies which create an internal emotional reality which becomes addicted to that which feed's off of the heart, feeds off of the love being offered, feeds off of the adoration, feeds off of emotionalism, and feeds off of fear.

* * *

Love Is Complete Within Itself

Love seeks nothing.

Love seeks nothing for Love is complete within itself.

Love IS.

Love does not seek to influence your reality.

Love is an energy which in its fullness, souls perceive as within themselves, for Love is the primordial energy from whence all souls come forth.

* * *

Reality Framing

The influencing of realities will become as we move forward, more insidious.

Those who recognize the manipulation of reality in service to power and control will be sorely tempted to strike out at those seeking to bend the reality of sacred life and Love.

Remember the words of the Beloved, "Remember Love." One cannot fight the energies of darkness with darkness." " Only Love, only Love."

* * *

Longstanding Manipulations Revealed

Love held in its purest embodied form embraces innocence.

For eon's, in embodied form, souls in their innocence have experienced manipulation.

Their succumbing to the manipulations of those who would desecrate their innocence are not signs of weakness or failure.

Rather, each time a soul seeking to live in a state of innocence (to the best of an embodied soul's abilities) is manipulated or desecrated by energies generated to inflict suffering and sorrows and the soul chooses (again, to the best of their embodied abilities) to align with the energies of Love, the embodied soul grows in strength. radiating Love, often unconsciously, uplifting all realities within the One Reality.

* * *

In This Time Of Revelations

In this time of revelations not only will those who seek to walk in the Light histories of thoughts, actions, words, and deeds separated from Love and Light be revealed, so too will the thoughts, actions, words, and deeds of those who would seek to desecrate and bend the very fabric of reality, the reality of Love, will be revealed.

All will be revealed.

* * *

Mantra For Transformation - Redemption

"Who Am I?"

"I Am Love."

* * *

The form in which I share these holy guidance's may be from my heart, by my hand. Even so, these holy guidances belong to the One, they belong to all. I am only one scribe amongst the many who have come before me, are here now, and will come after me.

with love,
a daughter of the One Infinite.

The Book of the Days of Guruji-Ma ... -2018.html

link updated: 1/9/19

Last edited by Johanna on Wed Jan 09, 2019 1:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Testament of Love - Climate Report
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:22 am 

Dear Readers,

I do not remember ever reading a scientific report, not that I have read many, but within those that I have, I do not remember the energies of Love binding the words which I read.

This report borne of Love, is to my heart, prophecy, a forewarning brought forth by the energies of Love to prepare those who will move forward into times of suffering.

Love forewarns.

Love brings forth nourishment and protection.

Love provides ways through times of tribulation.

Within this report are scientific forewarnings borne of love for humanity, borne of love for the generations to come.

with love,

Last edited by Johanna on Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: For That Which We Do Unto Others: The Peoples of the Caravan
PostPosted: Mon Nov 26, 2018 9:32 am 

When I looked upon the photos yesterday of the desperate of the caravan seeking refuge from suffering running towards the US border being met by those in soldier like gear firing tear gas and rubber bullets upon them, I was reminded of the photos of those imprisoned in Gaza, with little to no electricity, little clean water, little food, living in rubble, coming up against the fence of their imprisonment seeking to be seen, to be freed from their sufferings, being fired upon and tear gassed, and my soul lamented and was filled with even greater sorrow.

Woe upon us for that which is done in our names unto 'others', for the same shall in the end, be done unto us.

Correction made to post on 11/29/2018

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